I am currently working on GWT. I am stuck with CheckBoxGroup .. how can I gropu my checkboxes under one name? like in java i can use
CheckboxGroup entreeGroup = new CheckboxGroup();
I am currently working on GWT. I am stuck with CheckBoxGroup .. how can I gropu my checkboxes under one name? like in java i can use
CheckboxGroup entreeGroup = new CheckboxGroup();
GWT generates Javascript which in turn produces HTML. In HTML, to group checkboxes together, you simply set the same name on all of them. GWT uses the same technique.
http://google-web-toolkit.googlecode.com/svn/javadoc/2.4/com/google/gwt/dom/client/Element.html#setAttribute(java.lang.Stset,%20java.lang/2.String rel=“nofollow”
正如甘什·库马尔提到的那样,如果你预期在某个时候只选择一个单一检查箱,那么你将寻找,RadionButtons 。 他们在其构造中以“姓名”为理由,以便找到同一组Buttons电台。
在我的案件中,如果检查箱限于特定功能,而后来,你想要在这些检查箱中进行某种处理,则我使用Box的ArrayList,并在制作检查箱时添加该清单中的检查箱。 后来 我刚通过这份清单,获得选定检查箱或进行某种处理。 希望这一帮助。
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