English 中文(简体)
原标题:Blackberry supporting multiple screens

I have developed my BlackBerry app for screen resolution 320x240. Now I need it to support screens of multiple resolutions. Where do I store images for different resolutions and access them accordingly through code, without making separate build for every screen resolution?




240 x 240  7730
240 x 320  8220 8230 
320 x 240  8520 9300 9330 8310 8530 8830 8320 8330 8700c 8820 8800 8300 8707v 8330 8500 
curve3G 9220
360 x 400  9670 9105 9100 pearl3G
360 x 480  9800 9500 9370 9350 9780 9520 9550 9530 9670 
480 x 320  9000
480 x 360  9650 9700 9630 8900 9360 
480 x 800  9860 9850 storm3 volt
640 x 480  Bold 9900

int device_h = Display.getHeight();
int device_w = Display.getWidth();

 if(device_h==240  &&  device_w== 320 ){
 //select image of that size
 else  if(device_h==480 &&  device_w== 360){
 //select image of that size
 } and so on.....



yea wont that increase the size of project? wat I have found is you can store images of good resolution and scale them according to the device sizes using the following code

int barW = Fixed32.div(Fixed32.toFP(bitmap.getWidth()), Fixed32.toFP(scaleW));
int barH = Fixed32.div( Fixed32.toFP(bitmap.getHeight()), Fixed32.toFP(scaleH)); 
Bitmap scaledBitmap = 
  EncodedImage.getEncodedImageResource(img).scaleImage32(barW, barH).getBitmap();


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