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原标题:Why do I get a "relationship multiplicity violation" accessing a relation property?


public class ConsumerIndexItem: MappedViewModel<Consumer>
    public string UserName { get; set; }
    public string RoleDescription { get; set; }
    public override void MapFromEntity(Consumer entity)
        UserName = entity.User.UserName;
public class Consumer: AuditableEntity
    public virtual User User { get; set; }
    public virtual Role Role { get; set; }
public class IndexModel<TIndexItem, TEntity> : ViewModel where TEntity : new()
    public IndexModel()
        Items = new List<TIndexItem>();            
    public List<TIndexItem> Items { get; set; }
    public virtual void MapFromEntityList(IEnumerable<TEntity> entityList)
        Items = Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<TEntity>, List<TIndexItem>>(entityList);
public class ConsumerIndexModel: IndexModel<ConsumerIndexItem, Consumer>


var model = new ConsumerIndexModel();
var list = _repository.List().Where(c => c.Parent == null).ToList();
return View(model);

on the line UserName = entity.User.UserName; in ConsumerIndexItem I get the following exception:

A relationship multiplicity constraint violation occurred: An EntityReference can have no more than one related object, but the query returned more than one related object. This is a non-recoverable error.

如果我执行<代码>?entity。 用户:UserName in the Immediate Window I获得预期用户名值。 什么可能是错误的?


Let me explain why I had this exception and you may be able to correlate it with your own situation. I had EF Code First model mapped to the existing database. There was one-to-many relationship between two of the entities. The child table had composite primary consisting of the Id and Date. However, I missed the second segment of the primary key in my fluent map:

this.HasKey(t => t.Id);

其中一个奇怪之处是,该模式是行之有效的,但在某些情形下却成为例外,很难理解为什么。 很明显,当欧洲武装部队装上儿童实体的母子时,有不止一名家长,因为钥匙不仅有伊德,而且有日期。 这项决议将主要内容的第二部分列入:

this.HasKey(t => new { t.Id, t.Date });

The tool that helped me to pinpoint the problem was EF Power Tools, currently it is in Beta 3. The tool gives a context menu for the EF context class where one the item is View Entity Model DDL SQL. Although I could have found this just by checking the code, the tool is nice in showing how close the EF model matches the actual database.

我认为,你再次获得这一例外,因为出于某种原因,关系的多样性受到了侵犯。 就我而言,这是不正确的绘图,因为你或许是别的东西,我可以参考你的代码。



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