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原标题:converting db2 datestamp to Unix timestamp

How can i convert 2012-04-12 00:00:00 to a unix timestamp in DB2. is there any inbuild function available in sql s





缩略语 我假定,自1970-01 00:00:00 UTC以来,二次(或以任何形式)的数目。

There is no built in functionality for this in DB2 (as of V6R1).
You re also up against the following issues:

  • All timestamps in DB2 are local time - they contain no timezone information, and all CURRENT_TIMESTAMP writes are based on what time the requesting system thinks it is, not the host.
  • Daylight savings time changes frequently. You would need to add overhead to manage this for your conversion.
  • The TIMESTAMPDIFF function returns an estimate, not an exact value. You could probably survive for the years/months durations, over sufficient differences, but days aren t likely to cut it.
  • Timestamp arithmetic is imprecise (among other things, months are assumed to be always 30 days in length...)

阁下最好先使用<条码>(接下自0001-01以来的天数)。 牢记你在万国邮联中做得更好,因为它将而不是考虑到国贸总协定。

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