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原标题:Issue with PHP variable when fetched from MySQL

I have a variable like "Doctor and Surgical" I take this value from Mysql database and store it in a variable. When I echo this variable it gives me only "Doctor" Can anyone tell me how can I take the above value retrieved from Mysql as an entire variable...



<form action="process.php" method="post">
<select name="cat">
$sql="select distinct Category from tbl_1 order by Category asc";


 echo "<option value=".$row[Category].">".$row[Category]."</option>";
<select name="station">
$sql_1="select distinct Station from tbl_1 order by Station asc";


echo "<option value=".$row[Station].">".$row[Station]."</option>";
<input name="C" type="submit" />


$myValue =$_POST[ cat ];
$myStation=$_POST[ station ];

echo $myValue;
echo "<br/>";
echo $myStation;

$mySqlStm ="SELECT Name FROM tbl_1 WHERE Category= $myValue  and Station= $myStation ";

$result2 = mysql_query($mySqlStm) or die("Error:mysql_error()"); 

if(mysql_num_rows($result2) == 0){ 
echo("<br/>no records found"); 
echo "<table border= 1 >"; 

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2)) 
echo "<tr>"; 

echo "<td>" . $row[ Name ] . "</td>"; 

Here when I echo $myValue it gives me "Doctor" instead of "Doctor and Surgeon" I need "Doctor and Surgeon as an entire variable.



 echo "<option value= ".$row[Category]." >".$row[Category]."</option>";


 <option value=Some Category>Some Category</option>




echo "<option value= {$row[Category]} >{$row[Category]}</option>";

Think of the quotes just like you would a bracket or an html tag. When you open one, you are inside until you close it. In this case, you needs quotes to tell php what to echo out and different quotes that will print for html attributes. It s usually easier to use single quotes for the php echo commands and double quotes for the html code. Then the . just means to stitch a bunch of stuff together without having to put the echo command ten times in a row. So when you have this:

echo  <option value=" .$row[Category]. "> .$row[Category]. </option> ;


     <option value="  

Use single quotes & Just insure the value of $row[ Category ] Try it: echo "".$row[ Category ]."";

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