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如何与 j和AJAX一道进行想象?
原标题:How to pagination with jQuery and AJAX?
  • 时间:2012-05-10 09:44:44
  •  标签:
  • jquery
  • jsonp

我想让来自服务器的JSONResult。 我正在使用超文本5、jQuery和AJAX电话收集数据。 我能够从服务器获得以下数据......


{"name" : "GPR1"},{"name": "GPR2"},{"name" : "GPR3"},{"name" : "GPR4"},{"name" : "GPR5"},{"name" : "GPR10"},{"name" : "GPR9"},{"name" : "GPR8"},{"name" : "GPR7"},{"name" : "GPR6"}

You could use some Jquery plugins that paginate your fetched results, simply even if obviuos is to search on Google for "Jquery pagination plugin". Here on of the results for the search above: http://www.jqueryrain.com/2012/04/best-ajax-jquery-pagination-plugin-tutorial-with-example-demo/. The custom solution is:

  • save JSON data in a global variable (caching in memory)
  • putting your own controls for paging (prev. and next buttons)
  • bind "click" on paging buttons to fire pagination
  • -> pagination is done by using basic javascript "slice" method and then showing data.

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