English 中文(简体)
原标题:Order of constructor call in virtual inheritance
class A {
        int i;
        A() {cout<<"in A s def const
        A(int k) {cout<<"In A const
";  i = k; }

class B : virtual public A {
        B(){cout<<"in B s def const
        B(int i) : A(i) {cout<<"in B const

class C :   public B {
        C() {cout<<"in C def cstr
        C(int i) : B(i) {cout<<"in C const

int main()
        C c(2);
        return 0;

The output in this case is

in A s def const
in B const
in C const

Why is this not entering into in A const

`It should follow the order of 1 arg constructor call. But what actually is happening on deriving B from A using virtual keyword.


即使我删除上述方案中的虚拟关键词,删除所有违约构造,也会造成错误。 因此,它为什么需要造物


The constructors for virtual base classes are always called from the most derived class, using any arguments it might pass in. In your case, the most derived class doesn t specify an initializer for A, so the default constructor is used.

http://stackoverflow.com/a/10534300/241631” 因此,如果你想要<代码>A,则需要打字的构造者需要添加到<代码>上。 C 初始化清单。

C(int i) : A(i), B(i) {cout<<"in C const

For the second part of your question, default constructors are not required, but then the derived class must call the non-default constructor explicitly, since the compiler is unable to do that for you in the absence of a non-default constructor.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class A {
  int i;
  // A() {cout<<"in A s def const
  A(int k) {cout<<"In A const
";  i = k; }

class B : virtual public A {
  // B(){cout<<"in B s def const
  B(int i) : A(i) {cout<<"in B const

class C :   public B {
  C() : A(42), B(42) {cout<<"in C def cstr
  C(int i) : A(i), B(i) {cout<<"in C const

int main()
  C c(2), c2;
  return 0;

This prints out

In A const
in B const
in C const
In A const
in B const
in C def cstr




http://www.paragia.com/c++-faq-lite/multiple-inheritance.html#faq-25.11”rel=“nofollow” 顶级主子的初始化名单直接援引虚拟基级主子。 在此情况下,这意味着<代码> C s Constructionor calls A s Constructionor directly。 由于您没有具体规定<代码>A,在<代码>上打字 C 初始化清单,即违约构造。


C(int i) : A(i), B(i) {cout<<"in C const

If I remove the virtual keyword in above program and remove all the default constructor it gives error. So, why it needs the def constructor?

编码。 此外,还注明了<代码>A的电梯,因此使用了违约构件。 请删除<代码>。 A s def ctor,B, t可加以汇编。

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