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Matlab-Neural Network Simulation (for Loop)
原标题:Matlab -Neural Network Simulation (for Loop)



net =newff(minmax(p),[20,3],{ tansig , purelin }, trainlm );

net.trainParam.epochs = 5000;    %Max Ephocs
net.trainParam.goal = 1e-5;     %Training Goal in Mean Sqared Error
net.trainParam.min_grad = 0.05e-3;
net.trainParam.show = 50;       %# of ephocs in display
net.trainParam.max_fail =20;
net = init(net);

o1 = sim(net,Exp)

How can I run the above for say 20 times and store the data in one variable (o1)? Any help is very much appreciated !

for iteration=1:20
  % Your NN code
  [net, tr]=train(net,p,t,[],[],val);
  o1(:,iteration) = sim(net,Exp);


注: 我不了解你的数据的方面,你可能需要修改第1条(煽动)或第1条(:煽动)等。 不管你们需要什么。



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