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• 如何联合测试使用HTTPConnection的助手功能
原标题:How to unit test an helper function that use HTTPConnection
  • 时间:2012-05-10 13:19:30
  •  标签:
  • java

I have written a helper function that can retrieve content from a url. This function can also parse a Map of parameters and feed a url or a body on request depending on GET or POST method. Let s say this function also do other things (change headers, cookies etc...). How can I test this function against an http(s) server ? How to simulate a fake servlet that will answer to the request made by this function ? I ve seen that we can use mock object, or other library that are specialized in servlet unit testing. But it doesn t seem to fit my needs as I trully need to test the request and its answer without changing the function content.


I would say to start up Jetty in embedded mode within your test.
Configure it to accept a request, validate it, and return an appropriate response.
See docs here: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Jetty/Tutorial/Embedding_Jetty



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