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原标题:How do you get "value" of a selected item in a listview
  • 时间:2012-05-10 15:05:34
  •  标签:
  • vb.net

i 用途清单 在vb.net中看到一些细节(Say,一年级学生名单)。 i) 需要获得学生补贴,这是学生表的主要关键内容。


If you are using WinForms, as I suspect, when you add an item to the listview, you should set the tag to either the entire DataRow object, or the value of the student_id column. Then, anywhere that you have a reference to the item, you can access the item s tag property to get the necessary information. For instance, something like this would work:

For Each row As DataRow In table
    Dim item As ListViewItem = ListView1.Items.Add(row("student_name").ToString())
    item.Tag = row(row("student_id").ToString())


Private Sub ListView1_ItemSelectionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.ListViewItemSelectionChangedEventArgs) Handles ListView1.ItemSelectionChanged
    Dim studentId As String = CType(e.Item.Tag, String)
End Sub


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