English 中文(简体)
AVAudioPlayer forudioPlayerEnd Interruption means
原标题:Delegate AVAudioPlayer for audioPlayerEndInterruption method

页: 1 姓名为Mainview Controller,其中一米从事AVAudioer的所有行动。


@class MainViewController;

@protocol MainViewControllerDelegate 

-(void)audioPlayerBeginInterruption:(AVAudioPlayer *)audioPlayer;

-(void)audioPlayerEndInterruption:(AVAudioPlayer *)audioPlayer;


@interface MainViewController : UIViewController <UIActionSheetDelegate, InfoDelegate, AVAudioPlayerDelegate> 


如果是的话,@protocolAVAudioPlayerDelegate 然后是 黄色植被警报,称AVAudioPlayer的重复议定书定义被忽视


另一混淆 i 本应在案卷中宣布这些方法,但先在案卷中执行。

-(void)audioPlayerBeginInterruption:(AVAudioPlayer *)audioPlayer;

-(void)audioPlayerEndInterruption:(AVAudioPlayer *)audioPlayer;



我认为,你正在这里错误地使用@protocol建筑。 你们可以走下去,放弃整个@protocol块,并公正执行你们的班子。 仅需要打上你的班子,就象AVAudioPlayer这样的一个例子:

@interface MainViewController : UIViewController <UIActionSheetDelegate, InfoDelegate, AVAudioPlayerDelegate> 

接着,当你看一看你的AVAudio The PLayer Object, to ensure the MainViewController as the delegation:

audioPlayInstance.delegate = self;

Lastly, implement the two methods you want to be called on your AVAudioPlayer instance (I called it audioPlayInstance above). You only need to put these in your .m file, NOT you header. The header declaration for these methods is handled by the AVAudioPlayer.h class file.

Good Luck!



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