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VS C++汇编者所使用的不同处理器登记册是什么?
原标题:What are the different processor registers used by the VS C++ compiler?
  • 时间:2009-08-30 09:07:00
  •  标签:

What are the different registers used by the C++ compiler in a program? What is the difference between SP and FP? If possible please point me to some detailed reference docs. Curious to know the underlying things happening in a compiler. Is it possible to view these registers during the execution of a program in Visual Studio. Appreciate your time and help. Thanks in advance, Light


You can ask compiler to output the assembler code it generates from your sources, it s /FA and /Fa compiler command line arguments you re looking for: msdn link to /FA compiler arg.
In run-time, when you re running your program under debugger, you can open a "registers" window, and see how the values change during the execution - it can be very useful sometimes. Here s how you do it: msdn doc about "registers" window
If you re going for more serious debugging, I d recommend investing some time learning to use this: debugging tools for windows instead of just using the built-in VS debugger.

回答你的问题取决于你正在规划的硬件。 每个加工家庭都有自己的结构,因此拥有自己的登记册。

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86_assembly_English"rel=“nofollow noreferer”>参引自Wikipedia

