English 中文(简体)
• 如何使习惯视频成为W/嵌入各种选择! Rare [闭门]
原标题:How to make a custom video player W/ embed options! Rare [closed]
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.

www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 第一期: 创造视频角色的最佳语言是什么? 页: 1 没有人向我发出可以帮助我写上述文字的警示?

<>第二个问题: • 我如何把这种角色编成对每一录像带的密码: Ala You Programme/break/viemo。


www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 使用: 一旦参与者完成,就会输入文字,因此我可以完全控制每个录像并相应地管理这些录像。 不要要求帮助进口到出口产品,但任何倾斜都是巨大的。

{请不要给我看录像 JS或任何其他视频服务,因为我将自行而不是支付执照费。


一般来说,录像播放器是一种画像,在整个电影期间,播放了二十四次(或更多)图片。 204个是视力将静态照片与主动相混为一谈的人的最低限值,因为我会建议30个或更多人产生更好的效果。


Getting these two subsystems to operate without letting one get ahead of the other is generally required for a "video playback" system. There are many "already done" systems, but it sounds like you envision building your own (to add in unique "features").

牢记大量数据围绕“陈腐 play”。 这意味着,如果有可能,压缩数据对于合理履约至关重要。 压缩例行公文似乎并不简单,主要的录像密码是那些在将CPU周期平衡到压缩、档案规模和由此而产生的图像质量方面做了良好工作的人。

Assuming you really don t want to write a video player, but just want to use someone else s video player "with enhancements", you will be at the mercy of how well built the existing video player is, whether or not it supports any kind of customization, and if it does, how well it supports the customization you have in mind.


这些都是我的想法,尽管你应努力寻找更好的东西...... 辅导非常容易找到......

您可以使用闪电/行动文本,创建一种习俗视频角色。 尽管越来越多的非冲突参与者在增加(超额5)。 由于业绩,我仍然倾向于闪电,但铭记Pi / iPad t t支持闪电。


For your second question: Just create a database with a unique ID for every video URL your player will have. When you create the embed code you can include this unique ID as a URL var to the main video player. From there on you can call your player page with URL vars (example: http://www.yourlink.com?videoid=ID).

When you embed your SWF object you can then pass the videoid along with a FlashVar, or prefetch the matching video URL and send that URL with a FlashVar to your SWF. It s not so complicated, more info can be found here.

rel=“nofollow”题目=“www.osmf.org”>osmf.org。 你们要么能够利用中风的媒体,要么在周围建立自己的角色。 职业介绍所

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