English 中文(简体)
原标题:Trying to set a property value, but it s nil


@protocol UCMapViewDelegate <NSObject>
- (void)pushMapviewRight;


I m 在另一个观点控制人(h)中宣布执行该议定书,并在档案中执行

// in the UCRootViewController.h
@interface UCRootViewController : UIViewController <UCMapviewDelegate>

// in the UCRootViewController.m
- (void)pushMapviewRight
    NSLog(@"push mapview right");

我把该代表交给一个标明问题根基的主计长的财产。 我的地图主计长认为DidLoad()是这样做的,其财产为@property(weak, nonatomic)id<UCMapViewDelegate>代表;

// in UCRootViewController
self.mapviewController.rootviewController = self;

// in UCMapViewController
self.delegate = (id<UCMapviewDelegate>)self.rootviewController;

• 地图概览中一个纽州时,显示Menu()已经执行。 主计长受到压力,其工作。 但是,NOT被称作是代表的方法。

- (void)showMenu
    NSLog(@"show menu");
    [self.delegate pushMapviewRight];

但没有发生。 什么是错误的? 非常感谢帮助!


I fixed it. At first I used NSLog to verify that self was not nil (which is pretty obvious , but still) I m actually not sure why, but self.mapviewController.rootviewController = self; did not "carry over" to the point where I wanted to reference self.rootViewController, although self was not nil at the point where I set it to be the pointer to rootViewController.

我通过创建另一个<代码>initWithRootViewController(UCRootViewController*) ctrl



<代码>意见交换器 财产是有力的参照物还是软弱? 这可能是强有力的。 如果对物体的提及不甚微,则立即予以公布,在标的放行时,参考材料薄弱。 您在申请放弃物体时,需要一个强有力的参考。

正如@CodaFi所说,你的代码看上去了不起。 为什么你在UCMapViewController上设定了代表财产价值? 代表应放在其父母身边,当其住家或为之做准备时。

Basically, if your UCMapViewController has knowledge about UCRootViewController implementing a delegate method, why not call its method from riitVuewController directly? No need to set delegate at all.


- (void) prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender {
  [segue.destinationViewController setDelegate:self.rootViewController];

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