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原标题:Comet implementation with AJAX and PHP (on Apache) drops connections

I m implementing Comet with long-polling AJAX and Apache/PHP. The problem is that if there is not interaction in a (unknown for me) period of time, ie, no data sent/received, and then after some time, I send an event, the client-side long-polling request keeps pending without receiving the new data. Sometimes client-side receives a timeout and reconnects, but sometimes it doesn t receives anything and, as I already said, the request keeps pending. I m implementing it as indicated here with some alterations unrelated to the comet implementation per se (ie: using database instead of file). It uses a loop on the server-side waiting for new events and seems that server timeout closes the connection but client doesn t receives the connection close for reconnecting. How can I avoid this problem? Would the solution be using a client-side timer for reconnecting?


你们永远不会等待50多秒才发出答复,否则,浏览器可能已经消失。 基本上,如果在50秒后再报告没有任何新情况,就会发出任何反应。 这一空洞反应将促使客户向服务器发出新的要求,并再次开始。



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