目前,Im公司正在调查 Android和蜂窝的交叉产品开发的替代品(Windows 8可能是一种ice的添加)。 这基本上是一个“带有社会色彩的地图”,当然不是一个游戏。
在这里搜寻 我从2010/2011年看到许多过时的建议和工具,但从那时起, Apple果改变了政策,肯定出现了新的情况。
- Monotouch/Monodroid: .NET (Mono) framework. Create "native" apps on both platforms. Requires rebuilding UI code (or similar things).
- Appcelerator: Javascript framework to compile native apps.
- Corona: Similar to Appcelerator.
- Phonegap: Similar idea, but looks like it uses a wrapper to appify HTML5 content
- SenchaTouch: Another HTML5 based platform.
- Wink: Yet another HTML5 toolkit.
- XVLM: Android to ObjC compiler, probably creating ugly iOS apps.
- Unity3D: For games only.
- Moai: For games only.
- Have an abstraction layer over native iOS/Android code and build for each platform using the provided layer. (Monotouch, Unity3D)
- Use HTML5 (coding in Javascript) and some kind of wrapper to "appify" the web content. (PhoneGap,Sencha,Wink)
- Code using a framework that will output as a compilation pass (or similar) a native app for each supported platform (Moai, XVLM,Appcelerator,Corona)
- Is there a fourth idea I haven t yet found?
- Is there any blatant mistake in my research for any of the specified frameworks?
- Is there any known problem for map integration with any of these ideas or specific frameworks?