English 中文(简体)
• 如何将数据整理整理整理整理到某一日期,并重新检索一个记录?
原标题:How to format SQL DATETIME to comapre it to a given date and retrive one record?

如果必须检索干 the的记录,这一记录应当尽可能靠近我的时间段(YYY-MM),请记住,db(sql服务器)的栏目是DATETIME,因此,我需要加以编排,以便比较一下,这里是我一直在做的:

public Document findByDate(String date) throws GeneralException{
    Document docs = new Document();
    String d1 = date;
    String delimiter = "-";
    String[]temp = d1.split(delimiter);     
        String sql = "SELECT TOP(1) *  FROM Document  WHERE issueDate >=  " +   temp[1]+ temp[0] +"   AND issuedate <  "+ temp[1]+ temp[0] +"   ORDER BY issueDate DESC ";
        ResultSet rs = this.executeQuery(sql);
            docs = (Document) this.build(rs);
        if(docs != null){
            return docs;
        } else {
            return docs = null;
    } catch (SQLException ex){
        throw new GeneralException(ex);



So what you want is th most recent record in the same or previous month, course we have to bear in mind that the month previous to December was last year...


Select Top(1) * from Documents Where IssueDate <= ? Order By IssueDate Desc

Where ? is the end of the month



SELECT TOP(1) *  FROM Document  WHERE convert(date,issueDate) >=   datevalue   AND convert(date,issuedate) <   datevalue    ORDER BY issueDate DESC 

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