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  • 时间:2008-10-24 22:00:55
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我在高中和大学期间也注意到,我在计算机科学方面表现得特别好 - 比我的同龄人甚至许多老师都要好。我经常被要求提供帮助,进行一些辅导,被邀请参与研究项目,并被允许在其他人不能进行独立研究时独立研究。我很高兴能够提供帮助,但我并没有多想这种差异。



然而,在我们中的13个人中,只有6个拥有任何形式的计算机相关学位;另外7个人拥有从航空航天学到化学/生物学再到心理学各种学位。在我们6个拥有计算机科学学位的人中,我发现有两个从未编写过任何类型的程序,并且从未超过正常使用电脑(撰写论文,玩游戏等)。我了解到,其他两个人在计算机科学学位课程期间只在一台计算机上编写过一次程序。只有我和另外一个人编写了多个程序并使用了多种计算机 - 的确,我们发现我们两个编写了很多程序并使用了多种计算机。


我的团队领导(没有计算机学位)要求我们这三个人将项目分成任务,然后将其中的三分之一分配给每个人。我在第一天中间完成了我三分之一的任务,然后花了其余的时间帮助我的另外两个队友,跟我的团队领导聊天(胡扯 ;^),还有在电脑上玩游戏。





So, what exactly have I discovered? Not every one is equal, and that is okay--I am not a better person because I can program effectively, but I am more useful IF that is what you need from me. I learned that my background really mattered: growing up in a family of electricians and electrical engineers, building electronics kits, reading LITERALLY every computer book in the school/public libraries because I did not have access to a real computer, then moving to a new city where my high school did have computers, then getting my own computer as a gift, going to schools that had computers of many different sizes and kinds (PCs to mainframes), getting an accredited degree from a VERY good engineering school, having to write lots of programs in different languages on different kinds of computers, having to write hard programs (like my own virtual machine with a custom assembly language, or a Huffman compression implementation, etc.), having to troubleshoot for myself, building my own computers from parts and installing ALL the software, etc.







There are 106 airports in Arkansas. Could you write a program that would find the shortest rout necessary to land at each one of them?

我曾经认真地以为他在对我进行旅行推销员问题和 NP-完备性方面的知识测试。但后来发现他并不是这么想的。他对此一无所知。他真正想要的是一个可以找到最短路径的程序。当我解释说存在着106阶乘的解决方案,而且找到最好的解决方案是一个已知的计算难题时,他非常惊讶。




Blah blah blah ${MyTemplateString} blah blah blah.







但等等!!! 团队中的某个人指出,如果模板语言确实是图灵完备的,那么估计每个渲染操作的执行时间的任务就是停机问题的一个实例!! 太可怕了,不要那样做!!



  • computational complexity to write algorithms that scale gracefully
  • understanding of how memory allocation, paging, and CPU caching work so I can write efficient code
  • understanding of data structures
  • understanding of threading, locking, and associated problems












在一份工作中,我被指派改进我们电力分布网络追踪算法的任务,因为他们使用的算法速度太慢了。三相网络本质上是三个 n-树(因为电力网络中不允许出现回路)。网络节点存储在数据库中,原始团队中的一些成员无法弄清如何构建内存模型,因此追踪是通过在数据库上进行连续的深度 SELECTs,每个相位上过滤来完成的。因此,要追踪距离变电站十个节点的节点,需要至少进行十次数据库查询(原始团队成员是数据库技术专家,但缺乏良好的算法背景)。

我编写了一个解决方案,将数据库中的 3 个 n-tree 节点网络转换为数据结构,其中每个节点仅存储一次在节点结构数组中,并且使用数组内的双向链接指针将 n-tree 关系转换为三个二叉树,以便可以轻松地向任一方向跟踪网络。





有两种构建软件设计的方法:一种方式是使它如此简单,以至于明显没有缺陷,另一种方式是使它如此复杂,以至于没有明显的缺陷。第一种方法更加困难。- C.A.R. Hoare









重要的概念包括1)状态,2)编码,3)非确定性。如果您不了解它们,它们将无法帮助您。理论应该帮助您了解整体情况,让您知道基本概念如何结合在一起,并帮助您提高直觉。 Zhòng yào de gàiniàn bāokuò 1) zhuàngtài, 2) biānmǎ, 3) fēi quèdìng xìng. Rúguǒ nín bù liǎojiě tāmen, tāmen jiāng wúfǎ bāngzhù nín. Lǐlùn yīnggāi bāngzhù nín liǎojiě zhěngtǐ qíngkuàng, ràng nín zhīdào jīběn gàiniàn rúhé jiéhé zài yìqǐ, bìng bāngzhù nín tí gāo zhízhì.



你可以通过阅读这本书更有效地接触这些见解,比我做得更好。本帖底部的链接。 (至少,在亚马逊上查看目录,尝尝这是关于什么的口味):



我发现我在计算机科学理论领域每天所需的幸福感,就是念诵“低耦合,高内聚”的口头禅。Roger S. Pressman在Steve McConnell之前将其学术化,Steve McConnell之后将其变得时尚。

Ya, I generally use state diagrams to design the shape and flow of the program. Once it works in theory, I start coding and testing, checking off the states as i go.


Simple. For example: if I m using RSACryptoServiceProvider I d like to know what is that and why I can trust it.

Because C++ templates are actually some kind of lambda calculus. See www.cs.nott.ac.uk/types06/slides/michelbrink_types_06.pdf

I m studying for my Distributed algorithms course now. There is a chapter about fault tolerance and it contains some proofs on the upper bound for how many processes can fail (or misbehave) so that the distributed algorithm can handle it correctly.

For many problems, the bound for misbehaving processes is up to one third of total number of processes. This is quite useful in my opinion because you know that it s pointless to try to develop a better algorithm (under given assumptions).

Even if theoretical courses aren t going to be used directly, it might help you think better of something.

You don t know what your boss is going to ask you to do, you may have to use something that you thought it won t be benefical, as Jeffrey L Whitledge said.

To be honest, I sort of disagree with a lot of the answers here. I wrote my first compiler (for fun; I really have too much coffee/free time) without having taken a course in compilers; basically I just scanned the code for another compiler and followed the pattern. I could write a parser in C off the top of my head, but I don t think I could remember how to draw a pushdown automaton if my life depended on it.

When I decided I wanted to put type inference in my toy (imperative) programming language, I first looked over probably five papers, staring at something called "typed lambda calculus" going what.... the.... ****....? At first I tried implementing something with "generic variables" and "nongeneric variables" and had no idea what was going on. Then I scrapped it all, and sat there with a notebook figuring out how I could implement it practically with support for all the things I needed (sub-typing, first-class functions, parameterized types, etc.) With a couple days of thinking & writing test programs, I blew away more than a weeks worth of trying to figure out the theoretical crap.

Knowing the basics of computing (i.e. how virtual memory works, how filesystems work, threading/scheduling, SMP, data structures) have all proved HIGHLY useful. Complexity theory and Big-O stuff has sometimes proved useful (especially useful for things like RDBMS design). The halting problem and automata/Turing Machine theory? Never.

I know this is old, but my short reply to those who claim that theory is useless and that they can practice their profession without it is this:

Without the underlying theory, there is no practice.

Why is theory useful?

Theory is the underlying foundation on top of which other things are built. When theory is applied, practice is the result.

Consider computers today. The common computer today is modeled and built on top of the Turing Machine, which, to keep it simple, is an abstract/theoretical model for computation. This theoretical model lies at the foundation of computing, and all the computing devices we use today, from high-end servers to pocket phones, work because the underlying foundation is sound.

Consider algorithm analysis. In simple terms, algorithm analysis and time-complexity theory have been used to classify problems (e.g. P, NP, EXP, etc) as well as how the algorithms we have behave when trying to solve different problems in different classes.

Suppose one of your friends gets a job at some place X and, while there, a manager makes a few simple requests, such as these examples:

Ex 1: We have a large fleet of delivery vehicles that visit different cities across several states. We need you to implement a system to figure out what the shortest route for each vehicle is and choose the optimal one out of all the possibilities. Can you do it?

Thinking the theory is useless your friends don t realize that they ve just been given the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and start designing this system without a second thought, only to discover their naive attempt to check all the possibilities, as originally requested, is so slow their system is unusable for any practical purposes.

In fact, they have no idea why the system works at an "acceptable" level when checking 5 cities, yet becomes very slow at 10 cities, and just freezes when going up to only 40 cities. They reason that it s only "2x and 8x more cities than the 5 city test" and wonder why the program does not simply require "2x and 8x more time" respectively...

Understanding the theory would ve allowed them to realize the following, at least at a glance:

  1. It s the TSP
  2. The TSP is NP-hard
  3. Their algorithm s order of growth is O(n!)

The numbers speak for themselves:

|  No. Cities  | O(N!) |  Possibilities                                                  |
|       5      |   5!  | 120                                                             |
|      10      |  10!  | 3,628,800                                                       |
|      40      |  40!  | 815,915,283,247,897,734,345,611,269,596,115,894,272,000,000,000 |  <-- GG

They could ve realized at the outset that their system was not going to work as they imagined it would. The system was later considered impractical and cancelled after a significant amount of time, effort, and other resources had been allocated to, and ultimately wasted on, the project --and all because thought "theory is useless".

So after this failure, the managers think "Well, maybe that system was underestimated; after all, there re a LOT of cities in our country and our computers are simply not as fast as we need them to be for our recently cancelled system to have been a success".

The management team blames slow computers as the cause of the project s failure. After all, they re not experts in CS theory, don t need to be, and those who re supposed to be the experts on the topic and could ve informed them, didn t.

But they have another project in mind. A simpler one actually. They come the week later and ask say the following:

Ex 2: We have only a few servers and we have programmers who keep submitting programs that, due to unknown reasons, end up in infinite cycles and hogging down the servers. We need you to write a program that will process the code being submitted and detect whether the submitted program will cause an infinite cycle during its run or not, and decide whether the submitted program should be allowed to run on this basis. Can you do it?

Your dear friend accepts the challenge again and goes to work immediately. After several weeks of work, there re no results, your friend is stressed, and doesn t know what to do. Yet another failure... your friend now feels "dumb" for not having been able to solve this "simple problem"... after all, the request itself made it sound simple.

Unfortunately, your friend, while insisting that "theory is useless" didn t realize that the, allegedly simple, request was actually an intractable problem about decidability (i.e. the halting problem itself), and that there was no known solution for it. It was an impossible task.

Therefore, even starting work to solve that particular problem was an avoidable and preventable mistake. Had the theoretical framework to understand what was being requested been in place, they could ve just proposed a different, and achievable, solution... such as implementing a monitoring process that can simply kill -SIGTERM <id> of any user process (as per a list of users) that monopolizes the CPU for some arbitrary/reasonable interval under certain assumptions (e.g. we know every program run should ve terminated within 10 minutes, so any instance running for 20+ minutes should be killed).

In conclusion, practice without the theory is like a building without a foundation. Sooner or later, the right amount of pressure from the right angle will make it collapse in on itself. No exceptions.

Do you ever use it in your day-to-day coding?

Yes, but not directly. Rather, we rely on it indirectly. The caveat here is that different theoretical concepts will be more or less applicable depending on the problem domain you happen to be working on.

Surely, we:

  1. use computers daily, which relies on computational models (e.g. turing machines)
  2. write code, which relies on computability theory (e.g. what s even computable) and lambda calculus (e.g. for programming languages)
  3. rely on color theory and models (e.g. RGB and CMYK color models) for color displays and printing, etc.
  4. Euler s theorems in computer graphics so that matrices can be built to rotate objects about arbitrary axes, and so on...

It s a fact that someone who simply use a plane to travel doesn t need to understand the theory that even allowed planes to be built and fly in the first place... but when someone is expected to build said machines and make them work... can you really expect a good outcome from someone who doesn t understand even the principles of flight?

Was it really a coincidence that, for most of history, no one was able to build a flying machine (and a few even died testing theirs) until the Wright brothers understood certain theoretical concepts about flight and managed to put them into practice?

It s no coincidence. We have a lot of working technology today because the people who built them understood, and applied, the theoretical principles that allowed them to work in the first place.

I guess it depends on which field you go into.
