我在我的代码中看到很多地方,我编写了很多功能,似乎应该已经存在。我看了看Google Web Toolkit,他们看起来做得很好。小部件就是小部件,您只需将它们添加到您的应用程序中。
- Controller Objects
- Controller handlers, defined by methods in the controller objects.
- Configuration files defining the URL mapping and settings.
- Template server page files (e.g. JSP/ASP files).
- Configuration files defining O/RM mapping between application objects and the database.
- Configuration files defining the database connection properties.
- JavaScript libraries (e.g. jQuery)
- Logging configuration files
- Resource message bundle files
- Validation configuration files or code
- Middleware components and objects (EJB configurations, JMS/Messaging configurations, etc).
- Credit Card or other middleware connectivity APIs and libraries.