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Why "fail" in promise does not catch errors?

I m trying to access a file, that might not exist:

var localFolder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.current.localFolder;

localFolder.getFileAsync(stateFile).then(function (file) {
            Windows.Storage.FileIO.readTextAsync(file).then(function (text) {
        // do something with the text

}, function (err) {
    // log error, load dummy data


if the file is not there, the "fail" method does get called, BUT it happens only AFTER my application halts with an exception "file not found". only when I press "continue" for the debugger does it continue to the "fail" method..

what am i doing wrong? should i check for existence beforehand?


You re seeing a first-chance exception. The debugger is breaking at the point of throw. If you hit the "continue" button on the debugger dialog, the app will keep running and the exception handler will run.

You can change this by using the "Debug|Exceptions" menu to turn off first chance exceptions.


I have been struggling with this same problem for two or three days and finally came to the following solution: I use getFilesAsync function to get the list of all files in a folder, and then look through this list to know if the needed file exists. After that I can call getFileAsyns without throwing. Not very pretty, but works for me. I agree that assuming that a developer can turn exceptions off is not the best advice... In my opinion this issue should be considered as a bug in RT implementation.

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