English 中文(简体)
原标题:ERROR : perhaps the designated entry point is not set?
  • 时间:2014-11-19 09:44:17
  •  标签:
  • ios
  • swift


  1. Select the Main.storyboard;
  2. Open Attributes inspector and click Is Initial View Controller in the View Controller section.


你们的主要控制者(切入点)是否对“初步观点主计长”进行正确的检查? 它将 next一.。


<代码>Product-> Clean Building Folder

如果您使用一个以上<条码> 查询标准/编码>,并想在<条码>上登出: IDViewController<>>>> 除外,<条码>Main.story板,例如<条码>>,则你可能会出现这一错误。 选择

YourProject  -> TARGETS ->  Deployment Info -> Main Interface

In Main Interface, there are several UIStoryboard that you created for your own project. Choose the right one which contains your UIViewController.

Your Project -> TARGETS -> General -> Dplofo-> Main Interface:

Not YourProject -> TARGETS -> Deployment Info -> Main Interface.

There exists a compatibility issue between IOS 12 and IOS 13. So you have to remove the Application Scene Manifest from the info.plist in order for it to function correctly. Also, you have to remove everything related to scenes from the App Delegate.

这对我来说是一滴记忆线(iOS 12),但这个错误似乎在抱怨故事板档案,而你似乎根本不使用故事板! 相反,在计划上对集装箱观察员进行点击。 如果是这种情况,请删除<代码>的价值。 IDKit 主要故事板在建筑环境中名称,并将申请代表班作为主要切入点:

class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {

If you using the Navigation controller, then you have to give it an Initial View Controller check.


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