English 中文(简体)
原标题:Why are space characters causing concatenation problems?
  • 时间:2024-05-04 01:37:41
  •  标签:
  • php
  • html
  • echo

我试图用购买力平价中的对应指令来重复一行超文本。 这里是:

echo <tr><td><input category=“check Box” name=”。 美元现值单位,“检查/研究;研究;/td><td><label> 美元现值单位单位, . </label></td></tr>

I set the name attribute of a checkbox to $currentTeam. When $currentTeam has a space character and I try to check if it s checked upon form submission, it doesn t register. When $currentTeam does not have a space character and I check the box, I m able to see if it s set using isset() upon form submission. This is strange because the same $currentTeam variable has no problem printing out just fine in the <label> for the checkbox. I m assuming it s because there something going on with the quotes and the space character.

我试图改变单一报价的用法,如两倍,但无uck。 是否有任何人的想法?


当你在网页上以内容印刷时,你在<代码>上的空间是无法解释的。 但是,如果你将其用作姓名、id等财产,价值将保持不变,包括拖车空间。



        $currentTeam = "team1";
        $currentTeam2 = "          team2          ";

        echo  <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="  . $currentTeam .  " checked/></td><td><label>  . $currentTeam .  </label></td></tr> ;
        echo  <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="  . $currentTeam2 .  " checked/></td><td><label>  . $currentTeam2 .  </label></td></tr> ;



当我派出时,小组2名代表的席位将保持不变。 为什么没有登记:



        $currentTeam = "team1";
        $currentTeam2 = trim("          team2          ");

        echo  <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="  . $currentTeam .  " checked/></td><td><label>  . $currentTeam .  </label></td></tr> ;
        echo  <tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="  . $currentTeam2 .  " checked/></td><td><label>  . $currentTeam2 .  </label></td></tr> ;



https://i.sstatic.net/HBxw0fOy.png” rel=“nofollow noreferer”>“entergraph

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