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MATLAB: Changing the font of XTickLabel, YTickLabel, et al.
原标题:MATLAB: Changing the font of of XTickLabel, YTickLabel, etc
  • 时间:2012-05-12 16:30:46
  •  标签:
  • matlab


ylabel(y_string,  FontName ,  Palatino )



我在前面用警棍打仗。 我认为,他们通常使用轴心,在这种情况下,情况如下:

set(gca,  FontName ,  Palatino );

应当工作。 如果失败,请从文件交换中查询。 它用正文取代标语,因此格式可以与任何文本标语一样完全定制(我似乎记得曾对它进行过研究;你可能需要在法典中 around一,选择字体)。

set(gca, XTickLabel ,{labelList},  FontSize ,8, FontName , Times )

You need to get the handle of the current axes using the gca command:

set(gca,  FontName ,  Palatino ); 

答复: 如何改变X轴体的体积?

Here s the answer from that post, thanks to user Marc Manzano. Note that it changes both the font (which you asked for) and the font size (which is how I found this thread):

set(gca,  FontName ,  Arial )
set(gca,  FontSize , 12)
ylabel( Label Y axis )
xlabel( Label X axis )

The point that is important is that you do the set() commands BEFORE the ylabel and xlabel commands. I m not sure exactly why/how that works, but it worked for me on a log-log plot.

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