English 中文(简体)
原标题:Not able to add background color or image on the form displaying a list of buttons-Blackberry



   class MyAPP extends UiApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            UiApplication instance = new MyAPP();
    private ButtonField btntest,btntest1,btntest2,btntest3,btntest4,btntest5;
    public MyAPP() {

            MainScreen testScreen = new MainScreen();

            final LabelField field  = new LabelField("Company",LabelField.FIELD_HCENTER | LabelField.NON_FOCUSABLE)
        protected void paint(Graphics g)
                    g.drawRect(0,0, 50, 50);
                    int oldColor = g.getColor();
                    g.fillRect(0, 0, this.getPreferredWidth(), this.getPreferredHeight());
                    g.drawRect(100, 100, 50, 50);

    //Add status field to bottom of screen in blue color

    final LabelField field1  = new LabelField(" Copyright")
        protected void paint(Graphics g)
                  //   g.clear();
                    g.drawRect(0,0, 50, 50);
                    int oldColor = g.getColor();
                    g.fillRect(0, 0, this.getPreferredWidth(), this.getPreferredHeight());
                    g.drawRect(100, 100, 50, 50);


        btntest1 = new ButtonField("Customer",ButtonField.FIELD_HCENTER | ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK);  
        btntest = new ButtonField("Bills  ",ButtonField.FIELD_HCENTER | ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK);
        btntest2 = new ButtonField("Ledger ",ButtonField.FIELD_HCENTER | ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK); 
        btntest3 = new ButtonField("Receipts",ButtonField.FIELD_HCENTER | ButtonField.CONSUME_CLICK);

         btntest1.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener()
           public void fieldChanged(Field field,int context) 
              pushScreen(new NextScreen2());

     btntest.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener()
           public void fieldChanged(Field field,int context) 
              pushScreen(new NextScreen1());

      btntest2.setChangeListener(new FieldChangeListener()
           public void fieldChanged(Field field,int context) 
              pushScreen(new NextScreen4());



In the present code i have added title and status fields and also i have added

  1. An image to the top of the screen with welcome caption.
  2. There are 6 buttons that are center aligned.

这是否是因为纽托邦处于中心位置,而且没有空间可以用来执行彩色,无法看到。 另外,我也未能增加整个形式背景的图像。 任何了解解决办法的人都应获得指导。 成就


Try following code:

// initialize background
Bitmap bm = Bitmap.getBitmapResource("myImage");
Background bg = BackgroundFactory.createBitmapBackground(bm);

// getMainManager(), apply background


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