English 中文(简体)
A. 启动商行
原标题:Incrementing an iterator for a BST


变压器的结构有目前的节点,还有确定其目前立场的愤怒。 唯一的问题Im是,当它使用++Iter时,我应如何确定它是否应该正确?

Here s the header file for the entire class:

template < typename TComparable, typename TValue > 
    class SearchTree
        class Iterator;
        struct Node;
        typedef typename Node TNode;
        SearchTree( void );
        ~SearchTree( void );
        TValue find( const TComparable& k );
        TValue find( int32_t index );
        TValue find( const Iterator& pIter );

        Iterator begin( void ) const;
        Iterator end( void ) const;

        void insert( const TComparable& k, const TValue& v );
        void insert( const Iterator& pIter );

        friend class Iterator;
        friend class TNode;
        int32_t mNodeCount;
        TNode* mRoot;
        class Iterator 
            Iterator( void );
            Iterator( int32_t position );
            ~Iterator( void );
            inline TNode* operator->( void ) const 
            { return mCurrentNode; }
            void operator++( void );
            bool operator==( const Iterator& pIter );
            bool operator!=( const Iterator& pIter );
            int32_t getNumStepsLeftToLeaf( void );
            int32_t getNumStepsRightToLeaf( void );
            bool isLeafNode( const Node*& n );
            bool isInternalNode( const Node*& n );
            TNode* mCurrentNode;
            int32_t mIterPosition;
            friend class TNode;
        struct Node
            Node( void ) : mParent( NULL ), mLeftChild( NULL ), mRightChild( NULL )
            ~Node( void )
                if ( mParent ) delete mParent;
                if ( mLeftChild ) delete mLeftChild;
                if ( mRightChild ) delete mRightChild;
            int32_t index;
            TComparable Key;
            TValue Value;
            TNode* mParent;
            TNode* mLeftChild;
            TNode* mRightChild;

请注意,由于我计划把这部法典的很多内容寄给安康,我无法利用STLport的例外情况(这是我所利用的——GnuSTL是GPL d,这意味着我可以做些什么(为了谋利)——如果任何人有任何矛盾的话,请让我知道的话)这样做。

而且,在有人提到推动之前,我已经尝试把这一努力赶到国库,但没有成功。 我愿利用这一点,因为这将使生活更加容易,但现在我愿意撰写自己的数据结构和算法。

就主持人而言,我猜测我在此设计中遗漏了一件事,如果有人知道这怎么办,请让我知道。 如果任何人要求,我也乐于为整个班子投诚。



Iterator& operator++();


const Iterator& operator++(int){Iterator old = *this; ++(*this); return old;}


Iterator& Iterator::operator++(){
    myParent = mCurrentNode; 
    return  myParent.getRightOf(mCurrentNode); 

You see that I assumed you have a way to construct an iterator from a node you probably should have at least a private one.

I suppose you want to iterate through leaf nodes, (anyway the internal nodes implementation is not dissimilar). You need a getRightOf method more or less doing the following, let me write down some pseudocode for it:

Node* Node::getRightOf(Node* aNode){ 
    if aNode == mLeftChild{
        if mRightNode
            return mRightNode(this); 
        return mParent(this)
    if aNode == mRightChild{
        return mParent(this)
    if aNode == mParent{
        if mLeftNode
            return mLeftNode(this); 
        if mRightNode
            return mRightNode(this); 
        return this; 



在Node s destructor I中:

if ( mParent ) delete mParent;

这看起来很危险:谁删除了孩子? 左胎或右子?

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