English 中文(简体)
原标题:Dynamic class reloading works only in debug mode, why/ how it really works?




  1. 阅读外部档案,将java类编成沥青阵列。

  2. 创立了一个由我自己的舱载体组成的新例子。

  3. 从阅读的档案中排入该舱载体。

  4. 使用制造的舱载体从外部档案中产生新种类的物体。

  5. 系指制造物体的任何方法。

And where the problem is.

  1. When I run this program in debug mode it behaves as I expect, so if external file changed classloader loads new version of class and executes new version (if file didn t change it loads old version also of course).

  2. But when I run this program NOT in a debug mode it always executes old version despite the fact that the readed file has changed.



Here s a simplified version of what happens:

  1. The JVM loads classes and other resources into the classpath exactly once (unless running in debug mode) from the directories or Jars specified in the CLASSPATH environment variable.
  2. To do this, it uses ClassLoaders
  3. Once a resource has been loaded by a ClassLoader instance, it remains in memory until the ClassLoader is garbage collected.




you can find a well written article about dynamic class re/loading here

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