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开放办公室。 不能用3xls来读弹性出口xl
原标题:OpenOffice.org calc cannot read flex export xls using as3xls

I have tried flex data grid export xls using as3xls library .when i open using microsoft office it s opening fine. but if i tried to read from openoffice.org calc , not working properly .May i know why not working , So Any one know idea to export xls from flex for read calc .please let me know . I tried below code for export excel .

var xls:ExcelFile = new ExcelFile();
var bytes:ByteArray = xls.saveToByteArray();
var fileReference:FileReference = new FileReference();
fileReference.save(bytes, filename);

My github项目只读Xxsx,但应当用开放式办公室文件

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