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原标题:confused regarding uiviewcontroller memory management and passing data between them
  • 时间:2012-05-12 12:11:03
  •  标签:
  • ios


  • View of a viewcontroller is destroyed but viewcontroller remains, there nothing specified regarding if I my self want to destroy any viewcontroller or I just missed it. VC guide says iOS destroy VC when memory start getting short for other resources and same goes for VC s view right? Need to understand memory management of VC, please read my second point.

  • 在一名军控员中,我有一张显示我的朋友名单的表像控制器,选择我的任何朋友,即把另一个甚小的聊天。 每次选择朋友时,问题都是为了创造新的聊天会。 每一位朋友,如果试图与他们交谈,这一聊天会是多么独特? 我也在拯救亚洲开发银行的信息,这样,朋友窗户打开或贴近信息,用户就不会有空白。 每一朋友都可能只使用一个聊天会场(只有特定朋友的电文显示并向他发送了我试图与他交谈的电文)。 我认为,这个问题与在视力控制器之间传递数据有关,但混淆不清。

I hope i have clearly define what i am confused in. Please ignore any silly mistakes.




  1. View of a viewcontroller is destroyed but view controller remains

According to UIViewController guide - It is responsible for creating those views and for relinquishing ownership of them at the appropriate times, including during low-memory conditions and when the view controller itself is released.

So we need to take the ownership to release a view controller. Also The UIViewController class provides some automatic handling of low-memory conditions through its didReceiveMemoryWarning method, which releases unneeded memory.

  1. In your Scenario-


以此方式处理记忆。 如果是等级制度,我们就会推动某些观点,例如:

VC1 -> VC2 > VC3 -> VC4

现在,在这种情况下,导航控制员会把所有这些观点控制员的事例保留下来,因为导航控制员使我们具有倒退的灵活性。 一旦我们回头来看,控制器就会从分配给它的记分中删除。


Push a view controller -

[self.navigationController pushViewController:myViewController animated:YES];
[myViewController release];//at the time of push we add this release statement.


[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];//That view is release from navigation stack

Hope this clears your doubt. Checkout this developer page for more details - http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#featuredarticles/ViewControllerPGforiPhoneOS/ViewLoadingandUnloading/ViewLoadingandUnloading.html



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