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原标题:Twilio package missing many dependencies

我对VB.net非常新。 我的理解是,我需要通过NuGet在我的项目中增加Twilio和ResSharp包。 在一些奇怪的行为之后,图书馆消失并重新出现(如在板).后展示或重新启用甚高频)。 一旦在Browse tab pf 板块管理人下发现,我要求安装一些包裹,尽管大约6个小时的眼光,我仍找不到这些包裹。 失踪的图书馆包括:

  • System.identityModel.Tokens.jwt (>=6.15)
  • Microsoft.identityModel.Tokens (>=6.19)
  • System.Text.json (7.0.2)
  • System.collections.specialized (>=4.3)





  1. Repeatedly try to install each package and follow down its respective rabbit hole tree-structure to get whatever dependencies its error message gave and install those individually from the PM> CLI using the install-package command, as in: install-package ["full path to the nupkg incl dbl quotes"]. This took about 2.5 hours to register ~30 libraries. All of this caused by the refusal of the VS to look at the folder you give it in the install-package command.

Some of the libraries were already in the local SDK folder but, again, because VS refused to look there, they had to be manually copied to the top folder which the "source" entry had C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsNuGetPackages but VS did not want to look any deeper than the top level. Many of the other packages had to be individually downloaded from nuget.org, and copied to the source folder.


  1. After the horrendously-wasteful errand was done, I thought to add the nuget.org as a source itself: Tools|Nuget package manager|manage Nuget then gear-icon and under Nuget package manager select package-sources. click the green + button (top right) name it NUGET and here is the trick that had eluded me: the Source is https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json . Then under Browse, if the source drop-down is specifically set to NUGET, then it will look for things there. However, I still don t know if NUGET has everything you need or some packages are strictly under the *C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft SDKsNuGetPackages* local subfolder, nor am I sure it will automatically handle the dependencies, whence if not, it barely saves any time to add this source.

显然,这两者都是辅助性的“解决方案”,但用超过9个小时的时间安装包裹。 如果上述指示不明确,请发表评论,我将尽力澄清我所做的事。

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