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原标题:Do i need separate eclipse projects to develop for Android with PC agent

I am writing an Android app that will communicate with the PC. I tried to create 2 packages in a single eclipse project, but this doesn t seem to work. When i try to debug the PC java application, it crashes with "Cannot connect to VM". I searched for this, and found suggestions to turn of the Windows Firewall and reboot. This did not work. The crash report states:

# Internal Error (classFileParser.cpp:3494), pid=4408, tid=4776
# Error: ShouldNotReachHere()

Maybe there is a best practice that I am missing? Should these two similar code units (they share some common classes) be in separate projects, or am I taking a good approach, and just running into some configuration problem?



  1. create a run confguration for your PC project (Run -> Run configurations -> add)
  2. set the JRE to any JavaSE (1.7 for example) (tab JRE)
  3. remove Androidx.x library vom Bootstrap Entries (tab Classpath)



关于您关于最佳做法的问题。 我认为,除非您的PC项目确实很小(如只有一个类别),否则很可能不得不将项目分开。


I feel like having two separate projects will be the way to go for you. Organizationally, I believe this will work better. This may also help you to avoid issues like these in the future.

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