English 中文(简体)
原标题:To sort out atoms first and then sublists from a list in LISP

我在LISP有这种家庭工作,我需要从名单上剔除原子,然后从名单上除名。 我确信,这应该是轻而易举的任务,但因为我不是一位方案家中的多数人,因此,这在我理解的时候确实是算的。


(5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6)

And if I understand correctly my task then I should get something like this:

(5 -1 -6 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)))


  ((ATOM (CAR L)) (+ 1 (ATOMNUMBER (CDR L))))






(defun f (lst)
      ((loop (lst atoms lists)
          ((null lst) 
           (append (reverse atoms) (reverse lists)))
          ((atom (car lst))
           (loop (cdr lst) (cons (car lst) atoms) lists))
           (loop (cdr lst) atoms (cons (car lst) lists))))))
    (loop lst  ()  ())))

(f  (5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6))

基本上,你在名单上重复了,每个要素都列入原子名单或清单。 最后,你们都同意取得结果。



(let ((l  (5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6)))
    (remove-if-not # atom l)
    (remove-if     # atom l)))


  • REMOVE-IF去除不想要的物品。 (以替代方式使用REMOVE-IF-NOT来保存被通缉的物品。) 你们需要两个名单。 申请。

  • 利用DOLIST并在清单中储存,将项目收集到两个清单并附上。

  • 在你需要保留两份结果清单的情况下,撰写一份复习程序。

  • 还应当能够使用具有特殊地位的SORT。


> (sort  (1 (2 6 1) 4 (8 7 -3) 4 1 (0 (9 4)) -6 10 1)
        (lambda (a b)
           (atom a)))

(1 10 -6 1 4 4 1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)))


(stable-sort  (1 (2 6 1) 4 (8 7 -3) 4 1 (0 (9 4)) -6 10 1)
             (lambda (a b)
               (and (atom a)
                    (not (atom b)))))

(1 4 4 1 -6 10 1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)))

Just in case you will want to exercise more, and you will find that the examples provided here are not enough :P

(defun sort-atoms-first-recursive (x &optional y)
    ((null x) y)
    ((consp (car x))
     (sort-atoms-first-recursive (cdr x) (cons (car x) y)))
    (t (cons (car x) (sort-atoms-first-recursive (cdr x) y)))))

(defun sort-atoms-first-loop (x)
  (do ((a x (cdr a))
       (b) (c) (d) (e))
    (if (consp (car a))
      (if b (setf (cdr b) a b (cdr b)) (setf b a d a))
      (if c (setf (cdr c) a c (cdr c)) (setf c a e a)))
    (when (null (cdr a))
        ((null d) (return e))
        ((null c) (return d))
        (t (setf (cdr b) nil (cdr c) d) (return e))))))

(sort-atoms-first-recursive  (5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6))

(sort-atoms-first-loop  (5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6))


此处是代号,以自上而下的方式构造其产出(评论见Haskell syntax):

;atomsFirst xs = separate xs id id where
;  separate [] f g  = f (g [])
;  separate (x:xs) f g
;      | atom x = separate xs (f.(x:)) g
;      | True   = separate xs f (g.(x:))

(defmacro app (l v)
   `(progn (rplacd ,l (list ,v)) (setq ,l (cdr ,l))))

(defun atoms-first (xs)
  (let* ((f (list nil)) (g (list nil)) (p f) (q g))
    (dolist (x xs)
      (if (atom x) (app p x) (app q x)))
    (rplacd p (cdr g))
    (cdr f)))



(defun f (lst) 
        ((null lst) nil)
        ((atom (car lst)) 
        (append (list (car lst)) (f (cdr lst)))) 
            (append (f (cdr lst)) (list (f (car lst))))
(step (f  (5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) (0 (9 4)) -6)))


step 1 --> (F  (5 -1 (2 6 1) (8 7 -3) ...))                                                                   
step 1 ==> value: (5 -1 -6 (0 (9 4)) (8 7 -3) (2 6 1))

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