English 中文(简体)
原标题:how to dynamic add <div> on html and write php inside html

I want to use php to get Image file information in folder,and dynamic add image in div then add into web page,below is my code,but it does not work, please help me.


<div class="scrollContainer">   
    var $i = 1;
    var $panel_id = "panel_";
    var $imgUrl = "./Img/";
    var $file=NULL;

    var $dir = opendir("Img");
    while( ($file = readdir($dir)) !== false ){
      $panel_id = $panel_id.$i;
      $imgUrl = $imgUrl.$file;
      echo "$( .scrollContainer ).html("
          ."$( <div/> )"
          .".addClass( panel )"
          ."$( <div/> )"
          .".addClass( inside )"
          ."$( <img/> )"
          .".attr( src ,".$imgUrl.")"
          ."$( <p/> )"

      $panel_id = "panel_";
      $imgUrl = "./Img/";
      $i = $i + 1;
    } // while

    closedir( $dir );




你们从PHP中可以直接写出html代码(I recomend a model sistaxis):

    var $i = 1;
    var $panel_id = "panel_";
    var $imgUrl = "./Img/";
    var $file=NULL;

    var $dir = opendir("Img");


    <div class="scrollContainer">

    <?php while( ($file = readdir($dir)) !== false ) : ?>

         <div src="panel" id="<?= $panel_id.$i ?>">
              <div class="inside">
                  <img src="img/<?= $imgUrl.$file ?>" />
                  <p><?= htmlentities($file) ?></p>
      <?php $i++; ?>
    <?php endwhile; ?>

  closedir( $dir );

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