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原标题:apostrophe php issue

我正在用一个叫喊的盒子进行学校分配。 发现大管治用了 j、aj、米s和 php。 下面的句子就是一个小问题:

$result .= "<li><strong>".$row[ user ]."</strong><img src="" alt=""-""    />".$row[ message ]." <span class=""date"">".$row[ date ]."</span></li>";}

我很想知道,是否有任何人能够发现造成错误的原因。 到目前为止,我得出这一结论:<代码>$row[电文],然后认为该守则的其余部分是示意图。 因此,这很可能是一个外向问题。



$result .=  <li><strong> .$row[ user ]. </strong><img src="" alt=""/> .$row[ message ].  <span class="date"> .$row[ date ]. </span></li> ;

Pretty sure you should get the idea.

$result .= "<li><strong>{$row[ user ]}</strong><img src= http://www.  alt= My Alt Tag  />{$row[ message ]}<span class= date >{$row[ date ]}</span></li>";


$result .= "<li><strong>".$row[ user ]."</strong><img src=   alt= - />".$row[ message ]." <span class= date >".$row[ date ]."</span></li>";}

Avoid using " inside of the string - it is easy to forget about escaping special chars. Instead of " use . Besides - you use " only when there is any PHP parsing necessary within this string. E.g.

$var1 = 1;
$test = "$var1"; //evaluates to  1 
$test =  $var1 ; //evaluates to  $var1 

It appears that you are attempting to escape quotes and making your job harder. A great feature in PHP for HTML output is using quoted strings so that you don t have to worry about escaping double quotes. Please reference the PHP Manual for Strings.


 $result .=  <li><strong>  . $row[ user ] .  </strong><img src="" alt="-" />  . $row[ message ] .
             <span class="date">  . $row[ date ] .  </span></li>  .
             <li><strong>  . $row[ user ] .  </strong><img src="" alt="-" />  . $row[ message ] . 
             <span class="date">  . $row[ date ] .  </span></li> ;

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