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原标题:Where can i find spring-dojo.js for dojo Version 1.7.2?

i want to update dojo to 1.7.2. Can someone tell me where i can find the related spring-dojo.js file?


Short answer: there is no support for Dojo 1.7 in Spring.

Long answer: other people have tried to upgrade Dojo to the latest version while using Spring Javascript, and they gave up after a couple of days. See this blog entry: http://www.rimple.com/tech/2012/3/1/quizzo-its-thursday-must-go-into-the-dojo-and-meditate.html


Spring-Js是一个死亡项目。 即使是在2014年1月,他们仍然把2010年多霍版本的版本捆绑在一起,因为它认为没有人想要升级,或者没有人会继续维持。 同上,《


我详细介绍了我在以下领域的经验:http://forum.children.io/forum/children-projects/roo/92172-change-version-of-dojo-in-my-project”rel=“nofollow”。 春季论坛

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