English 中文(简体)
不包括AVGQ功能中的记录? (由于另一个数字,在主要询问中使用WHERE
原标题:Exclude records in AVG SQL function? (can t use WHERE in main query because of another count)


select case month(timestamp_iso(STATUSDATE))
        when 1 then  January 
        when 2 then  February 
        when 3 then  March 
        when 4 then  April 
        when 5 then  May 
        when 6 then  Jun 
        when 7 then  July 
        when 8 then  August 
        when 9 then  September  
        when 10 then  October 
        when 11 then  November 
        when 12 then  December 
    end as Month, 

    count (case when service= ADSL  then 1 end) as  ADSL,
  AVG (timestampdiff(
  char(actualfinish - reportdate))/60.00) as efficiecny

where   year(STATUSDATE) = year(current_timestamp) 
group by month(timestamp_iso(STATUSDATE))

I want to get for each month number of services with ADSL (it is done through the first COUNT) and average time difference in hours for the records which do not have service ADSL. So I must exclude in the AVG function all records with service ADSL but I can not put it in where clause

 where   year(STATUSDATE) = year(current_timestamp) and service!= ADSL  

由于我的计算机辅助设备职能需要服务 ADSL




Avg()总功能忽视了,如果服务是ADSL ,则你可以宣布无效。

   AVG (case when service !=  ADSL 
             then timestampdiff(4, char(actualfinish - reportdate))/60.00) 
             else null
         end) as efficiency

您可尝试rel=“nofollow”>coalesce :

   COALESCE (AVG (case when service !=  ADSL 
             then timestampdiff(4, char(actualfinish - reportdate))/60.00) 
             else null
         end), 0) as efficiency

Calculate AVG salary excluding min() and max() salaries in a table.

select round(avg(table.salary),2) from table
where table.salary NOT IN ((select min(salary) from table), (select max(salary) from table)) 

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