select case month(timestamp_iso(STATUSDATE))
when 1 then January
when 2 then February
when 3 then March
when 4 then April
when 5 then May
when 6 then Jun
when 7 then July
when 8 then August
when 9 then September
when 10 then October
when 11 then November
when 12 then December
end as Month,
count (case when service= ADSL then 1 end) as ADSL,
AVG (timestampdiff(
char(actualfinish - reportdate))/60.00) as efficiecny
where year(STATUSDATE) = year(current_timestamp)
group by month(timestamp_iso(STATUSDATE))
I want to get for each month number of services with ADSL (it is done through the first COUNT) and average time difference in hours for the records which do not have service ADSL. So I must exclude in the AVG function all records with service ADSL but I can not put it in where clause
where year(STATUSDATE) = year(current_timestamp) and service!= ADSL
由于我的计算机辅助设备职能需要服务 ADSL