English 中文(简体)
原标题:How can I get a random cartesian product in PostgreSQL?

我有两张表格:custassetstags。 生成一些测试数据。 INSERT INTO a many-to-many table with a SlectT, which have arbitrary rows from each (so that a arbitrary main key from one table is paired with a arbitrary main key from the second). 令我惊讶的是,正如我第一次认为的那样,这 t不易,因此我坚持这样做,教我。

这里是我第一次尝试。 我选择了10个<条码>中标/代码>和3个<条码>标/代码>,但两者在每种情况下都是相同的。 第一个表格是固定的,但我想抽出所分配的标签。

    custassets_rand.id custassets_id,
    tags_rand.id tags_rand_id
        SELECT id FROM custassets WHERE defunct = false ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 10
    ) AS custassets_rand
        SELECT id FROM tags WHERE defunct = false ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 3
    ) AS tags_rand


custassets_id | tags_rand_id 
          9849 |         3322  }
          9849 |         4871  } this pattern of tag PKs is repeated
          9849 |         5188  }
         12145 |         3322
         12145 |         4871
         12145 |         5188
         17837 |         3322
         17837 |         4871
         17837 |         5188

随后,我尝试了以下做法:在<代码>SlectT栏目表上填写第二栏目)。 然而,情况更糟,因为它选择了单一的tag和 stick。

    custassets_rand.id custassets_id,
    (SELECT id FROM tags WHERE defunct = false ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1) tags_rand_id
        SELECT id FROM custassets WHERE defunct = false ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 30
    ) AS custassets_rand


 custassets_id | tags_rand_id 
         16694 |         1537
         14204 |         1537
         23823 |         1537
         34799 |         1537
         36388 |         1537

这在描述性语言中是容易的,我确信,可以通过储存程序或临时表格来做。 但我只能用<条码>来做。 INSERT INTO SlectT?

我确实想选择使用随机功能的初级钥匙,但不幸的是,这两个表格的主要钥匙在加固顺序上存在差距(因此,每个表格可能选择一个空档)。 否则就会被罚款!


请注意,您正在研究的是not a Cartesian Products,该产品将产生n*mrows;而是一种随机1:1的协会,产生

生产直截随机<>/strong>组合,即可随机抽取(rn<>>> /code>,用于较大的组:

SELECT c_id, t_id
   SELECT id AS c_id, row_number() OVER (ORDER BY random()) AS rn
   FROM   custassets
   ) x
JOIN   (SELECT id AS t_id, row_number() OVER () AS rn FROM tags) y USING (rn);

如果a 任意组合足够好,就会更快(特别是大型表格):

SELECT c_id, t_id
FROM   (SELECT id AS c_id, row_number() OVER () AS rn FROM custassets) x
JOIN   (SELECT id AS t_id, row_number() OVER () AS rn FROM tags) y USING (rn);

如果两个表格中的浏览数不相上下,而且你不想从较大的表格中失去浏览量,则使用:modulo营运人>>>>%>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>><>>> • 多次加入小型表格:

SELECT c_id, t_id
   SELECT id AS c_id, row_number() OVER () AS rn
   FROM   custassets -- table with fewer rows
   ) x
   SELECT id AS t_id, (row_number() OVER () % small.ct) + 1 AS rn
   FROM   tags
       , (SELECT count(*) AS ct FROM custassets) AS small
   ) y USING (rn);

rel=“nofollow noreferer”> 窗口职能 添加了SPogreSQL8.4。


Here is a different approach to pick a single combination from 2 tables by random, assuming two tables a and b, both with primary key id. The tables needn t be of same size, and the second row is independently chosen from the first, which might not be that important for testdata.

 WHERE a.id = (
    SELECT id 
    FROM a 
    OFFSET (
        SELECT random () * (SELECT count(*) FROM a)
    LIMIT 1) 
 AND b.id = (
    SELECT id 
    FROM b 
    OFFSET (
        SELECT random () * (SELECT count(*) FROM b)
    LIMIT 1);

用两个表格进行测试,一个是7 000个浏览量,一个是100k浏览量,结果立即进行。 有一个以上的结果是,你不得不多次打电话——增加低温和反应能力,并修改<条码>x.id = <条码>至<条码>x.id IN,这将产生(aA、aB、bA、bB)结果模式。

如果你只是想从对方那里获得一套随机的浏览量,就使用一种假装的频率生成器。 我想用的是:

select *
from (select a.*, row_number() over (order by NULL) as rownum -- NULL may not work, "(SELECT NULL)" works in MSSQL
      from a
     ) a cross join
     (select b.*,  row_number() over (order by NULL) as rownum
      from b
     ) b
where a.rownum <= 30 and b.rownum <= 30

这是一项 Car产品,每 assuming有900row,每.至少有30row。

However, I interpreted your question as getting random combinations. Once again, I d go for the pseudo-random approach.

select *
from (select a.*, row_number() over (order by NULL) as rownum -- NULL may not work, "(SELECT NULL)" works in MSSQL
      from a
     ) a cross join
     (select b.*,  row_number() over (order by NULL) as rownum
      from b
     ) b
where modf(a.rownum*107+b.rownum*257+17, 101) < <some vaue>

This let s you get combinations among arbitrary rows.

Just a plain carthesian product ON random() appears to work reasonably well. Simple comme bonjour...

-- Cartesian product
INSERT INTO dirgraph(point_from,point_to,costs)
SELECT p1.the_point , p2.the_point, (1000*random() ) +1
FROM allpoints p1
JOIN allpoints p2 ON random() < 0.002


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