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Jquery - 在一个简单下降的男子中操纵课
原标题:Jquery - manipulating classes in a simple dropdown menu


此前,我张贴了question。 但的确会得到答案(因为措辞不准确)。 在增订/测试该守则后重新定位的幅度更大。



菜单 down倒,一tab,一fold一.,三fold。 然而,当菜单落到坡道时;另一个tab点被点击时,便会 shape,即其他菜单不会下降。

Ive tested the jquery code extensively using firebug & have noticed a lot of abnormalities. E.g. I thought for my purpose, the jquery code: $( ul , curTab).*** would be the same as $(curTab).children(0).***, sometimes this code runs fine, other times it doesn t.

Consistently Ive noticed the addClass & removeClass method not adding & removing the class as intended.

The if ($( .cTabActive )){...} doesn t work, syntax error?
If I do if ($( .cTabActive , aFileTabs)){...}, this doesn t work either...

在我的目击者最后,这本所谓的简单法典是完全的。 希望将受到高度赞赏。

Code: (Please review the jsfiddle.net code above)


  <div id="filemenu">                     <!-- right tabs menu -->
            <ul id="fm_ul">
                <li class="filetabs">File
                    <ul class= cDropDownItems >
                        <li class="m_items"><a href="#"><span class="aHeading">New</span><span class="shortcutK">Ctrl-U</span></a></li>
                        <li class="m_items"><a href="#"><span class="aHeading">Open</span><span class="shortcutK">Ctrl-Z</span></a></li>
                    </ul></li><li class="filetabs">Edit
                    <ul class= cDropDownItems >
                        <li class="m_items"><a href="#"><span class="aHeading">Undo</span><span class="shortcutK">Ctrl-M</span></a></li>

                    </ul></li><li class="filetabs cLastFileTabs">Settings
                    <ul class= cDropDownItems >
                        <li class="m_items m_itemsCK" id="frontView"><a href="#"><img src="Img/tickB&W1.png" alt="tick" /><div class="filler"></div><span class="aHeading">Front View</span><span class="shortcutK">Ctrl-A</span></a></li>
        </div>                    <!-- close ->  filemenu  div -->
    </div>                    <!-- close ->  menu_bars  div -->


$( .filetabs ).on( click , function (e) {
        function abc() {
            if ($(curTab).hasClass ( cLastFileTabs )) {
                $( ul , curTab).css ({left:  -66.6% });
                $( ul ,curTab).animate ({opacity: 1}, 125,  linear );
            }    else     {
                $( ul , curTab).css ({left: 0});
                $( ul , curTab).animate ({opacity: 1}, 125,  linear );
            }  }

    var aFileTabs = $( .filetabs );
    var curTab = $(this);
    if ($( .cTabActive ))   {
        var prevDropDown = $( .cTabActive ).parent();
        var prevDDChild = $(prevDropDown).children(0);
        $(prevDDChild).removeClass( cTabActive ).addClass( cPrevTabActive );  }
    if ($( ul ,aFileTabs).hasClass( cPrevTabActive ))  {
        $( .cPrevTabActive ,aFileTabs).animate ({opacity: 0}, 500,  linear , function ()  {
            $( ul , aFileTabs).css ({left:  9999px });
            $( ul , aFileTabs).removeClass ( cPrevTabActive );   }); }
    if ($(prevDropDown).get(0) !== $(curTab).get(0))  {
        $(curTab).children(0).addClass ( cTabActive );
    } else  {
    }  });


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