English 中文(简体)
原标题:Intersection of infinite lists




let ones = 1 : ones -- an unending list of 1s
intersect [0,1] ones






一种想法可能是使用水泥包<>。 我首先要缓和问题:允许产生重复价值。 在这种情况下,你可以使用:

import Data.List (intersect)

intersectInfinite :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
intersectInfinite = intersectInfinite  1
    where intersectInfinite  n = intersect (take n xs) (take n ys) ++ intersectInfinite  (n+1)


A∩B = A1 ∩B1∪ A2>∩B> > ∪ ......

载于first is. (一) 没有任何命令,但可以说有某种命令。 如果这套内容包含less,则全部内容将归还。

<c> > 载于A (at indexi)和B (at indexj,c>> 将在segment(not index)上公布。

因此,无论特定名单是否定点,都总是产生一份明确清单(有一定数量的重复)。 唯一的例外是,当你给它一份空洞的清单时,它将永远搁置。 然而,我们在此确保,交汇点的每一部分至少可以一次汇出。


Now we can make our definition better. First we make a more advanced version of take, takeFinite (let s first give a straight-forward, but not very efficient defintion):

takeFinite :: Int -> [a] -> (Bool,[a])
takeFinite _ [] = (True,[])
takeFinite 0 _  = (False,[])
takeFinite n (x:xs) = let (b,t) = takeFinite (n-1) xs in (b,x:t)

我们现在可以直截了当地深化,直至<><>>> > 两个名单都到底:

intersectInfinite :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
intersectInfinite = intersectInfinite  1

intersectInfinite  :: Eq a => Int -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
intersectInfinite  n xs ys | fa && fb = intersect xs ys
                           | fa = intersect ys xs
                           | fb = intersect xs ys
                           | otherwise = intersect xfa xfb ++ intersectInfinite  (n+1) xs ys
    where (fa,xfa) = takeFinite n xs
          (fb,xfb) = takeFinite n ys

This will now terminate given both lists are finite, but still produces a lot of duplicates. There are definitely ways to resolve this issue more.

Here s one way. For each x we make a list of maybes which has Just x only where x appeared in ys. Then we interleave all these lists.

isect :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
isect xs ys = (catMaybes . foldr interleave [] . map matches) xs
    matches x = [if x == y then Just x else Nothing | y <- ys]

interleave :: [a] -> [a] -> [a]
interleave [] ys = ys
interleave (x:xs) ys = x : interleave ys xs

Maybe it can be improved using some sort of fairer interleaving - it s already pretty slow on the example below because (I think) it s doing an exponential amount of work.

> take 10 (isect [0..] [0,2..])


intersectOrd :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
intersectOrd [] _ = []
intersectOrd _ [] = []
intersectOrd (x:xs) (y:ys) = case x `compare` y of
    EQ -> x : intersectOrd xs ys
    LT -> intersectOrd xs (y:ys)
    GT -> intersectOrd (x:xs) ys

这里还有另一个备选办法,利用<代码> 控制. Monad.WalaedSearch

import Control.Monad (guard)
import Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Monad.WeightedSearch as W

We first define a cost for digging inside the list. Accessing the tail costs 1 unit more. This will ensure a fair scheduling among the two infinite lists.

eachW :: [a] -> W.T Int a
eachW = foldr (x w -> pure x <|> W.weight 1 w) empty


intersection :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
intersection xs ys = W.toList $ do
   x <- eachW xs
   y <- eachW ys
   guard (x==y)
   return y


intersection2 :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
intersection2 xs ys = W.toList [ y | x <- eachW xs, y <- eachW ys, x==y ]


我最后使用了以下执行办法:对David Fletcher的答复稍加修改:

isect :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
isect [] = const [] -- don t bother testing against an empty list
isect xs = catMaybes . diagonal . map matches
    where matches y = [if x == y then Just x else Nothing | x <- xs]


isectUniq :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
isectUniq xs = nub . isect xs


<代码>isection xs = catMaybes 。 地图匹配

。 3 ! 0将代表ys ! 3 with xs ! 0,如果这些数值有所不同,将改为Nothing。 如果这些数值相同,则该数值为Just

diagonals takes a list of lists and returns a list of lists where the nth output list contains an element each from the first n lists. Another way to conceptualise it is that (diagonals . map matches) ys !! n contains comparisons between elements whose indices in xs and ys sum to n.
diagonal is simply a flat version of diagonals (diagonal = concat diagonals)

因此, (diagonal .mapcompes) ys/code>是xss各要素之间的比较清单,其中各要素大致按以下各要素的指数的总和加以比较:ysx;这意味着早期要素与较后各项要素相比,与中间要素相比,各部分具有相同的优先权。

(cat Maybes . diagonal .mapcompes) ys is a list of only the elements which are in both list, where the elements are around打上了两个要素的比较指数的总和。

(diagonal . map (catMaybes . matches)) ys does not work: catMaybes . matches only yields when it finds a match, instead of also yielding Nothing on no match, so the interleaving does nothing to distribute the work.

相比之下,在选定的解决办法中,NothingJust的数值通过>diagonal ,意味着该方案在寻找多个不同要素,而不是等待一个因素之后,将其注意力分开;而如果在环绕之前删除<>Nothing的数值,则该方案可能花费太多的时间等待对某一特定要素进行无果的搜索以取得成功。


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