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Closed 1 year ago.
I remember watching a Google I/O video on YT (I think so). Probably there were two lecturers (not very young), and one was involved in writing java utils collections. One guy from audience thanked for writing some of java util s code.There was some shoots of the audience (One of the lecturers sat among it), that is a little bit unusual for G I/O videos. But I am not sure of any of this.
www.un.org/spanish/ecosoc 讲师还说,大多数方案管理员的工作是解决问题的。 (好像这样。) 我想援引这一部分。
EDIT:它不是在这种录像中(我只记得听众大多是年轻的民俗,讲师是一位老的ice。) 如果有人会发现任何录像或其他材料,其中含有类似于黑体的口供,即是感激者。