English 中文(简体)
原标题:Is there an Iterable which allows Iterable.remove() to be called by another instance?

清单物体是否有瓜瓦激光器(或方法),使2个探测器在相同的记忆范围内存在,同时允许移除()操作? (Bonus点:如果它为收集工作的话)。

例使用案例:通过收集进行外部和内部循环,如果内ner可能决定去除元素,外 lo随后会跳出。

• 判断如何通过减少 elements形元素的数量来使以下概念代码(使用瓜瓦静态进口)受益,并排除最终从清单中删除空壳的必要性:

private <T> Set<Set<T>> disjointify(Collection<Set<T>> sets) {
    List<Set<T>> disjoint = newArrayList(sets);
    for (Set<T> set1 : disjoint) {
        for (Set<T> set2 : filter(disjoint, not(equalTo(set1)))) {
            if (!intersection(set1, set2).isEmpty()) {
                // this wouldn t be safe for a Set<Set<T>>
    return newHashSet(filter(disjoint, NO_EMPTIES));
private static final Predicate<Set<?>> NO_EMPTIES = new Predicate<Set<?>>() {

    public boolean apply(Set<?> input) {
        if (input == null || input.isEmpty()) {
            return false;
        return true;



private <T> void disjointify(Set<Set<T>> sets) {
    for (Set<T> set1 : nestable(sets)) {
        Iterator<Set<T>> it = filter(nestable(sets), not(equalTo(set1))).iterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            Set<T> set2 = it.next();
            if (!intersection(set1, set2).isEmpty()) {



为什么不要把外观与诺-EMPTIES混为一谈? 由于过滤过程中对过滤器进行了评价,因此任何新空置的装置都不会在过滤清单/外壳中退回。

Otherwise, I don t think so. You would get a ConcurrentModificationException on the outter loop.

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