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AJAX表格提交后,Get IP 访客地址
原标题:Get IP address of visitor after an AJAX form submit

I have an HTML form. When visitor submits form, a javascript method is invoked. This method sends an AJAX request to my server s php file. My problem is i need to get the visitor s ip address. But because of AJAX request calls php file, $_SERVER[ REMOTE_ADDR ] gives me my server s address. How can i get visitor s ip, in this case? Thank you

<form onsubmit="sendData(); return false;">
    // some data here

function sendData(){
    // do some work, get variables
        data: { name: e },
        success : function(data) {
           // do some work
        error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) {

// in mypage.php
public function useData() {
        $ip = $_SERVER[ REMOTE_ADDR ];

<代码>_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR]将给您客户的IP地址。 但是,由于你大概使用服务器和<>/strong>客户的同一机器,你获得的也是正常的。 一旦你将网站作为网络服务器,并且从不同的机器中远程访问,你将获得该遥远机器的地址。

因此,你无需做些什么。 你的法典已经按照预期发挥作用。




  $.getJSON("https://api.ipify.org?format=json", function(data){
    var userIP = data.ip;
    $.getJSON("https://api.ipgeolocationapi.com/geolocate/" + userIP, function(data){
      var userLat = data.geo.latitude;
      var userLng = data.geo.longitude;
      // You can now use the user s latitude and longitude to determine if they re within your geo fence

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