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原标题:in css if i set a background image to repeat will it be downloaded once ?

i 有500px外面500px,而且有10px的图像(图象)。 i 横向和纵向重复这种形象。 i) 这样做是为了挽救带宽,但问题是:这是否拯救了带宽,还是与将500个带宽作为背景形象一样? (这样一来,这种形象就会被下载一次,还是会被下载到重复的时候?)




是的,只有一次下载。 即使你在网页上单独装上图像(可能载于imgtag),但只有一次下载(由任何好的浏览器下载)。

It is entirely up to the browser how the downloading of the background image is handled. The browser has to see the image url in the CSS rule, actively download the image (however many times it wants to, hopefully once) and render it according to how it wants to use your rules.



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