English 中文(简体)
2. 在服务器上安装有编印机的新夹
原标题:Make new folder on server with applescript

我正试图在服务器上建立一个新夹,其名称来自用户。 这里是我迄今为止所做的事情。

display dialog "Please enter your augnet username" default answer "username"
set username to (text returned of result)

mount volume "smb://orgs.augsburg.edu"

tell application "Finder"
    make new folder at "orgs.augsburg.edu/Information Technology/www/kb_images/Migration Testing" with properties {name:username}
end tell

I am getting an error saying "cannot make into type item" any help is much appreciated. Thanks!


You have an error because :

1 - 这条道路的类型是“主路”,Finder不承认这一类型,斜线应当由上校取代。

2- 当你在Finder使用护卫(道路)时,必须具体说明(、文档、软盘......)。

display dialog "Please enter your augnet username" default answer "username"
set username to (text returned of result)

mount volume "smb://orgs.augsburg.edu"
tell application "Finder"
    make new folder at folder "orgs.augsburg.edu:Information Technology:www:kb_images:Migration Testing:" with properties {name:username}
end tell


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