English 中文(简体)
MUI - 加入Avatars, 配制线
原标题:MUI - join Avatars with a dotted line

I have a Stack of Avatars, with text:

    <span><Avatar sx={{ float: left , width: 30, height: 30, margin: 1, backgroundColor:  #c00500  }} variant="square">C</Avatar>Today</span>
    <span><Avatar sx={{ float: left , width: 30, height: 30, margin: 1, backgroundColor:  #05C000  }} variant="square">V</Avatar>Yesterday</span>
    <span><Avatar sx={{ float: left , width: 30, height: 30, margin: 1, backgroundColor:  #c00500  }} variant="square">C</Avatar>Yesterday</span>


我愿有一条 do子加入这样的箱子:





取得类似成果的最佳途径是利用“协调倡议”步骤部分。 见。 你们需要做的两种修改是:

  1. Changing the stepper orientation by using orientation="vertical"
  2. Using a custom connector element for having a dashed connector instead of a solid one (See https://mui.com/material-ui/api/stepper/#stepper-prop-connector)

执行习惯组成部分的方法包括修改原有的<代码>和t;StepConnector />要素。 执行工作的样本如下(我还将守则添加到一个沙箱中,以便进行更好的审查)。 见:

import * as React from "react";
import Box from "@mui/material/Box";
import Stepper from "@mui/material/Stepper";
import Step from "@mui/material/Step";
import StepLabel from "@mui/material/StepLabel";
import { StepConnector, Typography } from "@mui/material";

const steps = [
  "Select campaign settings",
  "Create an ad group",
  "Create an ad",

export default function DashedStepper() {
  const [activeStep, setActiveStep] = React.useState(0);

  return (
    <Box sx={{ width: "100%" }}>
              "& .MuiStepConnector-line": {
                borderLeftStyle: "dashed",
                borderLeftWidth: "2.5px",
                height: "40px",
        {steps.map((label, index) => {
          return (
            <Step key={label}>
                <Typography variant="h6">{label}</Typography>
                <Typography>{`Actions in Step ${index + 1}`}</Typography>

发出并接受答案,如果它发挥作用的话! 感谢:-

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