I don t think ColdFusion natively supports indenting xml/wddx. So either you can use xmlindent from cflib.org or if you are comfortable with java there are many solutions available see this thread like
Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance().newTransformer();
// indent and omit xml declaration
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");
transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "yes");
StreamResult result = new StreamResult(new StringWriter());
DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
transformer.transform(source, result);
return result.getWriter().toString();
An IE issue has me completely stumped. I have a coldfusion page that uses JQuery s AJAX .load function to load in a new flash file that is generated by coldFusion s cfchart tag. This works completely ...
I am getting ready to start a project that requires using OpenID within Coldfusion 8. I have found a number of different options and was wondering what has worked the best, get s the most support, ...
So this all began in trying to get Coldfusion9 portlets to run under Liferay, just like examples that I ve seen running JBOSS: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/ColdFusion/9.0/Developing/WSC00E3E9C-DC24-...
function getStateInfo(state){ alert(state); var f = new funcs(); f.setCallbackHandler(updateFormFieldStateInfo); f.setQueryFormat( column ); f.qry_getLenderEvictionStateInfo(<cfoutput>#...
Is there a way to find the elements generated by ColdFusion s <CFLayout> and <CFLayoutArea> tags? These tags: <cflayout type="tab" name="MyAccount"> <cflayoutarea name="...
Let me first say I am aware of this faq for Mach-II, which discusses using application specific mappings as a third option when: locating the framework in the server root is not possible and creating ...
I am upgrading from CF4.5 to CF8. Calls to COM dll s that used to work in version 4.5 now throw a "Complex object types cannot be converted to simple values.." error. The COM object has a few arrays ...
Sometimes it is necessary to write different code for Adobe ColdFusion vs Railo vs OpenBD, due to differences in implementation. Do people have a specific method that they use for this? For example, ...