English 中文(简体)
A. 如何确定一个电池是否含有一个纽子
原标题:How to determine if a cell contains a button

I ve创建了一个名为CELL的电池。

My first task is add a button on the cell, which I have successfully added. However, while retrieving the CELL I need to know if the cell is the reusable cell or not. If not, then create the cell and add the button, but if the cell exists and button does not, I need to add the button.

In my XIB I added the button in the cell. In some cells I need to show the button and in some I don t.

我如何确定牢房是否包含一个纽子? 如果它包含一个纽州,我会把它归谁?


One approach is to iterate though subview which I personally think is bad idea. The other approach is to set the tag of the cell say 100 for containing button.


if (cell.tag == 100) {
     // Cell with button
} else {
     // Cell without button


for( int i =0 ; i < [cell.subviews count]; i++) {
    if ([[cell.subviews objectAtIndex:i] isKindOfClass:[UIButton Class]] ) {
        //Button is found, do whatever you want
        UIButton *button = [cell.subviews objectAtIndex:i];
        int tag = button.tag;

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