English 中文(简体)
1. 将Mule 1.3“模型”部分改为Mule 3当量
原标题:Converting Mule 1.3 "model" element to Mule 3 equivalent
  • 时间:2012-05-17 14:56:56
  •  标签:
  • mule

Im将1 Mule 1.3申请升级至3.2.1(最新版本)。 Mule 1.3 config文档有“模版”元素,有多个“单元-描述器”。

<model name="theModel">
  <mule-descriptor name="theName" implementation="com.company.SomeClass">
      <endpoint address="servlet://service/foo" transformers="ACustomTransformer" responseTransformers="AnotherCustomTransformer" />
      <endpoint address="vm://anEndpoint"/>
      <router className="org.mule.routing.outbound.FilteringOutboundRouter">
        <endpoint address="Authenticator">
            <property name="propName" value="propValue" />
        <filter expression="/data = null" className="org.mule.routing.filters.xml.JXPathFilter" />
      <router className="org.mule.routing.outbound.OutboundPassThroughRouter">
        <endpoint address="RequestValidator" />
      <property name="someProp" value="someValue" />
  <!-- more <mule-descriptor> elements -->

我如何将其改为其第3卷的对应内容? 感谢。

EDIT - 5/29/2012

<>1> 一些 mu字器的rou形形形形形形色色。

<mule-descriptor name="theName" implementation="com.company.SomeClass">
    <endpoint address="theName" />

如何将这些流动转化为第3卷流动? 当我利用你的答复中的信息将这些流动转化为流动时,我收到关于启动的错误信息,这似乎表明,由于流动仍在创造(如循环依赖):

Caused by: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ref:RequestValidator.20 : Cannot resolve reference to bean RequestValidator while setting constructor argument; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name RequestValidator : Cannot create inner bean (inner bean) of type [org.mule.config.spring.factories.InboundEndpointFactoryBean] while setting bean property messageSource ; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name (inner bean) : 1 constructor arguments specified but no matching constructor found in bean (inner bean) (hint: specify index/type/name arguments for simple parameters to avoid type ambiguities)

<>2> 1名 mu-descriptor将“彩虹”级改为“彩虹”级。 如何处理这些问题? Mule 3中不存在这一类。

<mule-descriptor name="theName" implementation="org.mule.components.simple.BridgeComponent">
    <endpoint address="vm://theInboundAddress" />
    <router className="org.mule.routing.outbound.FilteringOutboundRouter">
      <endpoint address="vm://theOutboundAddress" />

3) Another mule-descriptor has a "matchAll" attribute in its <outbound-router> element. How should this be converted to a Mule 3 flow?

<mule-descriptor name="theName" implementation="com.company.SomeClass">
    <endpoint address="servlet://theInboundEndpoint" />
  <outbound-router matchAll="true">
    <router className="org.mule.routing.outbound.OutboundPassThroughRouter">
      <endpoint address="firstOutboundEndpoint" />
    <router className="org.mule.routing.outbound.FilteringOutboundRouter" transformer="MyTransformer">
      <endpoint address="vm://secondOutboundEndpoint" />
      <filter pattern="Error*" className="org.mule.routing.filters.WildcardFilter" />

<>4> Mule 1.x config有一手<endpoint-identifier>,其名称与<mule-descriptor>s。 这些名字也作为终端地址在<mule-descriptor>上使用。 例如:

  <endpoint-identifier name="TheEndpointName" value="vm://theEndpointAddress" />


<model name="...">
  <mule-descriptor name="TheEndpointName" implementation="...">
      <endpoint address="TheEndpointName" />

My guess is that the Mule 3 equivalent should look like the code below. Is this correct?

<flow name="TheEndpointName">
    My first guess was:
    <inbound-endpoint ref="TheEndpointName" />
  <vm:inbound-endpoint path="theEndpointAddress" />


EDIT 5/30/2012

<>5> 一些 mu字器使用<代码>RestserviceWrapper类别从Mule API。 当我把这段话转换成“第3号”(<代码><流程和>;时,我发现这一错误:

The required object/property serviceUrl is null

我注意到,Mule 1.x config的 mu描述人将财产称为“urlFromMessage”,这似乎说,除了在XML汇卷中提供的URL之外,它将作为财产提供给Mule电文。 但是,在《<代码>的Mule 3版中不存在“urlFromMessage”财产。 休息服务:。 我是否应该使用Mule 3的不同组成部分类别? 由于这一类别是穆莱普文的一部分,我是否应当使用标准XML标签? 感谢。

<mule-descriptor name="theName" implementation="org.mule.components.rest.RestServiceWrapper">
    <property name="urlFromMessage" value="true" />
  • model has been deprecated.
  • flow has replaced mule-descriptor

And many more, look at your config converted for Mule 3:

<flow name="theName">
        <vm:inbound-endpoint path="anEndpoint">
            <transformer ref="ACustomTransformer" />
                <transformer ref="AnotherCustomTransformer" />
        <servlet:inbound-endpoint path="/service/foo" />
        <singleton-object class="com.company.SomeClass">
            <property key="someProp" value="someValue" />
    <outbound-endpoint ref="Authenticator">
        <expression-filter expression="/data = null"
            evaluator="jxpath" />
        <property key="propName" value="propValue" />
    <outbound-endpoint ref="RequestValidator" />

NB: This config is valid for Mule 3.2.1 but I can t guarantee it does exactly what you want, you have to test and tweak it!

More answers:

(1) 流动和终点使用不同的名称,现在他们登记为现场的个体户,因此不能分享相同的姓名。 这表明:

<flow name="theFlowName">
    <inbound-endpoint ref="theInboundName" />
        <singleton-object class="com.company.SomeClass" />

2) Use the Bridge pattern:

<pattern:bridge name="theName"
                outboundAddress="vm://theOutboundAddress" />

3) Use the all routing message processor and use processor-chain to group several message processors as one:

<flow name="theName">
    <servlet:inbound-endpoint path="/theInboundEndpoint" />
        <singleton-object class="com.company.SomeClass" />
        <outbound-endpoint ref="firstOutboundEndpoint" />
            <transformer ref="MyTransformer" />
            <wildcard-filter pattern="Error*" />
            <vm:outbound-endpoint path="secondOutboundEndpoint" />

4) 你可以宣布全球流动终点,你需要使用不同的名称来进行终点和流动,因此,实际的“组合3”当量是:

<vm:endpoint name="TheEndpointName" path="theEndpointAddress" />

<flow name="TheFlowName">
    <inbound-endpoint ref="TheEndpointName" />
        <singleton-object class="..." />

5) Most Mule default components are now available as XML elements, so indeed you need to use:

<http:rest-service-component serviceUrl="..." />

取而代之:您可使用,以动态方式从飞行信息中提取URL。 例如,如果URL是用一个名为svcURL的附担保财产提供的。 使用:

<http:rest-service-component serviceUrl="#[header:INBOUND:svcURL]" />


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