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原标题:PL/pgSQL - %TYPE and ARRAY

Is it possible to use the %TYPE and array together?

CREATE FUNCTION role_update(
  IN id "role".role_id % TYPE,
  IN name   "role".role_name % TYPE,
  IN user_id_list "user".user_id % TYPE[],
  IN permission_id_list  INT[]

我只字眼错了,但我不想重复任何一栏,因此我想使用<条码>“用户”_id % TYPE,而不是单纯的<条码>INT<>,因为随后便更容易修改任何一栏。


The manual:

The type of a column is referenced by writing table_name.column_name%TYPE. Using this feature can sometimes help make a function independent of changes to the definition of a table.

The same functionality can be used in the RETURNS clause.


About modifying any column type later:
You are aware that this type of syntax is only a syntactical convenience to derive the type from a table column? Once created, there is no link whatsoever to the table or column involved.

It helps to keep a whole create script in sync. But id doesn t help with later changes to live objects in the database.

Related answer on dba.SE:


在功能参数中采用参考型号是毫无意义的(在PogreSQL中),因为它在中间转化为实际类型,并储存为实际类型。 Sorry, PostgreSQL并不支持这一功能——在职能范围内使用参考型号的情况有所不同,而实际类型在届会期间首次发现。


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