English 中文(简体)
原标题:What does ((LocalBinder)service) mean?
  • 时间:2012-05-18 05:57:42
  •  标签:
  • java
  • android


mBoundService = ((LocalService.LocalBinder)service).getService();

Could some nice guy explain what does this mean :((LocalService.LocalBinder)service) And Could somebody please give some other example just like ((A)B).



you have a variable (service) and you convert it to type (LocalService.LocalBinder) then you get the service this means that:

Service service;
LocalBinder binder = (LocalService.LocalBinder) service;
Service mBoundService = binder.getService();





这只是空洞的。 它告诉汇编者,“我只知道这种表述作为X类的价值,但我认为,在执行时,这种表述将是Y类。 在我执行时对它进行核查,然后让我使用这一方式。


 Object x = getValueFromSomewhere();
 String text = (String) x; // I know x is a string reference really
 // Use text as a normal string reference

如果您对所涉类型的看法不正确(例如,如果<代码>x值是指)。 Integer und a String 然后, rel=“nofollow”

See Java Inheritance Tutorial, for more information (or Just search for “Java em tutorial” to seek Muchs of similar them) or see

当地班轮意味着你的活动只受你的申请约束。 请注意,服务也可受其他申请的约束。 而当地服务公司则允许你服务,以约束包括服务在内的申请。

这一说法意味着“服务”变量投向了当地服务的类型。 LocalBinder。


double a=1.1f;
int i=(int)a;// you can t write int i=a;

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