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SQL 从一栏取回货物和类别的价值, 并用两分推法将其上贴过
原标题:SQL fetch values of goods and categories from one column and past them in two diferent
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想要改进这个问题吗? 添加细节,并通过

Closed just now.


Item Key
Electronics 0
Smartphones 1
Laptops 1
Cameras 1
Headphones 1
Clothing 0
T-shirts 1
Jeans 1
Dresses 1
Jackets 1

Column Item has names of categories and goods with their respective 0 and 1 in column Key. It is required to fetch all categories and goods into two diferent columns like Goods and Categories. So, every goods-item must have its respective category-item in each row.


    CASE WHEN Key = 0 THEN Item ELSE NULL END AS Category,
FROM goodsandcat;

查询的回音是 :

Category Goods
Electronics NULL
NULL Smartphones
NULL Laptops
NULL Cameras
NULL Headphones
Clothing NULL
NULL T-shirts
NULL Jeans
NULL Dresses
NULL Jackets

但预计它会以相应的类别项目填写列类中的所有NULLs。 因此,它必须像这样:

Category Goods
Electronics NULL
Electronics Smartphones
Electronics Laptops
Electronics Cameras
Electronics Headphones
Clothing NULL
Clothing T-shirts
Clothing Jeans
Clothing Dresses
Clothing Jackets

如何写上上述结果的 sql- query fo?



同意上一个注释。 这不是像一个电子表格, 您可以在此创建基于工作表中位置的关系 。


我所做的就是将它放入电子表格 然后创建查询/视图 将东西插入 DB 中,比如:

Column A Contains the Items list, Column B contains the Keys then Column C contains this formula: =IF(B2=0,A2,C1) Column D contains this formula: =IF(B2=1,A2,"NULL") Then Column E contains this formulas: ="INSERT INTO Item_Table (Category, Goods) VALUES ( " & C2 & " , " & D2 & " );"

E列中的结果将是您可以粘贴到 DB 以创建您想要的表格的公式。


INSERT INTO goodsandcat (Category, Goods) VALUES ( Electronics ,  NULL );
INSERT INTO goodsandcat (Category, Goods) VALUES ( Electronics ,  Smartphones );


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